+ post-detention +

Start from the beginning

Mandy took a step closer to me but I held my ground. "So next time, you better think much harder about keeping him from practice."

"Because it's not just us you're going to be answering too," Heather finished.

I narrowed my eyes at my ex-best friend and the girl who seemed to hate me just because she could. "If you think I'm scared of you, or your little cheer brigade, you can think again," I said strongly. "Now excuse me, I have a class to get too."

Turning on my heel, I waltzed away from them and as they yelled at me to come back, I merely flipped them off and kept walking. When they got bored, they tormented me all through Freshman and Sophomore year.

But after my parent’s had passed away, they’d magically stopped as if they’d know. But that didn’t make sense because no one knew. I never questioned it though because as long as I wasn’t being harassed, I was good. It had been almost a whole year without them coming near me.

And the only reason they did, was because of Aaron Archibald.

It seemed everything had a way of coming back to the most popular boy in school.

+   +   +   +

I had interacted with Aaron a lot recently and it wasn’t natural. And after our little detention hang out and my little run-in with Molly and Heather, I thought we’d go back to our small nod of recognition, but no, that wasn’t the case. Because that day, after lunch, he intercepted me on my way to Photography. I was late and I was hurrying but I heard my name being called out so I stopped.

When I spun around, I saw Aaron Archibald jogging to catch up. 

"Look," I sighed, "tell your cheerleader friends I'm sorry for flipping them off but if they're going to harass me about being the cause of you missing practice then—“

"What?" he cut me off, coming to a stop—not out of breath, either— in front of me. "What are you on about? What cheerleader girls?"  

I tried to hide the surprise on my face. "Ah never mind. So you wanted me?"

He looks like he wanted to push the subject but decided against it. "I'll make it quick 'cause you probably have class but, you know how you said you owed me one yesterday?”

“Uhh yeah,” I replied hesitantly, unsure of where it was going.

He laughed. “Well here’s the thing … my cousin is staying with us for the next month or so until he can get placement into a dorm at NYU because he’s starting there next semester. Basically, he’s not from around here but he’s big on skating and he doesn’t really know any good spots so I was hoping you could show him?”

I shrugged. “Yeah of course I can.” The skating kids were always open to new blood. “I know a few places and a few NYU kids he could make friends with.”

Aaron visibly relaxed. “Thank you so much. I haven’t seen him since I was fourteen and we used to be really good mates but now we’re two pretty different people. He doesn’t really know anyone and I don’t think he’d click with my friends.”

“It’s totally fine. The skate park we usually go to could do with some fresh faces.” We started to walk together down the empty corridor, seemingly going the same way. “Where’s he from?”

“New Zealand,” Aaron said. “His name is JJ. He’s only the year above us. His best friend lives in Cali so he was there visiting him. They’re big on surfing and skating.”

“I didn’t know you had a cousin from New Zealand,” I paused, “where even is that?”

Aaron laughed. “Pacific Ocean. Other side of the world. But yeah, my mom is half kiwi. We used to go see the family every year but we haven’t been in the past few years. He moved over here for a change of scenery I guess. Plus he really liked it when he was here last year … well, he liked Cali but he could only get a placement into NYU.”

“That is so cool!” I exclaimed. “It would be sick to chill with him. I’m not doing anything after school today so I can take him out then. I know the boys would be keen.”

Aaron’s face broke into a grin. “Awesome! Thanks so much Penny.”

“Hey no worries,” I said, conversation flowing easy because it was safe territory for me. “Tell him to meet us on Fifth Street if he can find it, at about 5.”

“He’ll be there,” Aaron reassured.  

"Cool," I replied easily. Then as we approached my Photography class, I said, "Well this is me."

"Okay. Thanks again for helping out JJ," he said. "See ya ‘round Penny."

"Bye," I said casually.

Then walking into the class, we parted ways as if this was a common occurrence and we were great mates.

As usual, there were only five people littering the classroom and my teacher, Ms North grinned at me. "I was going to scold you for being late but thinking about it, I would be late too if it meant talking to someone that handsome.”

I rolled my eyes but was deceived by the blush creeping to my face. "You know, they're giving you a favour running a class with five people in it so I don't think they'd be too impressed by your paedophiliac thoughts."

She scoffed, her petite face lighting up in laughter. "Do your work, Penelope."

"As you wish, perv," I said cheekily as I plonked down at my work table.

She shook her head, a light chuckle leaving her mouth as she turned back to the book she was reading.

Ms North was easily the person I was closest with in this school. She was only 24 and she was the one who helped me discover my passion for Photography. She also knew about my parents and she was there by my side and behind the scenes when I needed someone to fight for me. She was like another sister to me.

As I was sorting out the formation of photos on my board, she came strolling up behind me and murmured over my shoulder, "So Aaron Archibald, huh?" 

I remained indifferent. "And?"

"It's a surprise, is all. I mean, you are on opposite sides of the spectrum," she pushed. "Unless ... there's history? You two were awfully friendly just then."

I scoffed, keeping my eyes on my work. "Don't be ridiculous. He was just asking for a favour since I owed him one. He helped me write a History essay. We're not friends."

Ms North clucked her tongue and giggled. "Yet."

+   +   +   +

 A/N: oh hey JJ, didn't know you were going to pop up so early. Oh and you're Aaron's cousin, holy shit plot twist hahahah hope you enjoyed! I know I've been slack with updates and I know it's short but I'm sahhhh busy. But plz vote and comment and I love you all sah much and I will try and update more often xxx

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