"Have you been living under a rock!!!! How is it possible that you don't even know what he looks like! I mean he's everywhere! Here, let me show you a picture of him."

But before she could show me his picture one of the ladies called her name. I didn't even realize that I was up next. I always get anxious before taking a picture. The woman on the right called my name next. She had red hair, and her nails were red too. She looks old. I'm guessing she's in her 50s.

"Hello darling, what's your name?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"My name is Rose," I told her.

"Ok Rose, now I want you to look straight ahead and give me a big smile."

I looked at the camera and smiled.

"There we're done do want to see the photo", she said.

"No thank you," I answered. Where am I supposed to go. I turned around and went up to one the guards. "Hi, can you please help me find my room?"

"Yes, Do you still have the packet they gave, before you came in?" the guard asked me.

"Oh, it's right here," I said, handing him the packet.

Just follow me, and I will escort you to your room." he said kindly.

I did as he asked and followed him. We went out the same door the same way we came in. But this time instead of turning we walked down the hall. The guard turned right into another room. I think this is chamber 1. I know that there are 4 chambers. I don't know what to call it, but it's a room where it connects the different regions of the castle. Each chamber has 3 hallways. Each hallway takes you to different areas of the castle. For chamber 1, the first hallway takes you to the ballroom, and the second one takes you to the dinning room., and I'm guessing the third one is where our rooms are. And I guessed correctly. The guard turn left into the third hallway. We walked down the hall, until we were right in front of a big door. The guard turned to face me.

"Here you go, Ma'am. All you need to do is go in there, and you will see two sets stairs, one on the right and one on the left. In your papers it says L21. Which means you have the left stairs, and your room number is 21," the guard explained to me.

"Oh, thank you so much," I told him while giving him a smile.

"No problem ma'am. It's my job to help," he said, turning to leave.

I turned around facing the big door. I never knew a door can be so luxurious. I opened the door, and walked in. Just when you think that this house can't get more luxurious than it already is. It's a house inside a house. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Oh my god this room is huge, it's bigger than my house. I walked all the way in. We have our own living room. I see the stairs the guard told me about, but I don't want to go to my room yet. I want to explore. To the right there was another door. I opened it and walked in. Oh my god, it was a library. There was so many books. I know at first I didn't want to be here, but now I'm kind of glad I am. I walked out of the library. Well, I should go to my room, and unpack, take a shower, and try to get some sleep. I walked up to the left stairs. I looked for number 21. My room was all the way to end. I walked up to the door, and open it. I walked inside and set my suitcase. I looked around the room. It had a queen size bed, its own bathroom, and a couch with a flat screen Tv, and a mini fridge. This is great, I can't believe this! This is a bedroom, I love it, not because it has a mini fridge. This room, it's self is bigger than my house, and my neighbors combined. I took out my PJ's from my suitcase and headed for the bathroom. I took a quick shower, and got dressed in some black with blue squares shorts, and a white tank top. I went to check the fridge if there was water. They have to be kidding me, they couldn't put at least water instead soda. I'll just go check downstairs in the kitchen. I opened my door slowly, so nobody can hear me, I tiptoed down the stairs. I walked down the hall to the chamber area. This chamber 1 and if I remember correctly the kitchen is in hallway 2. I walked straight into the dinning room. I looked around and on the right, it had 2 doors and on the left, it had 3 doors. On the left side the first door had the word "in" on it, and the door next to it had the word "out" on it. I walked up to the first door, and walked in. I swear this place gets better by the second. I can't believe this a kitchen. Even though it has a dull color, the fact that it is huge and everything inside looks expensive as hell, makes up for it. I came to get water, and get out before I get caught, I told myself. I opened one of the fridges and took a water bottle. I closed the fridge and walked out the kitchen. As I was heading out the dinning room, I heard voices. I peeked my head out, but couldn't see anybody. I can tell it was man by his voice. I stood in the corner near the door. Well, how do I get out this now? I wasn't trying to be nosey, but I couldn't help but listen in to what they were saying.

"I don't understand why we have to do this whole competition. Why can't we just take what we want. We already know who the winner is anyway," an unknown voice said.

"Because we have to son," another unknown voice responded.

What the hell! I peeked out again, and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was the King and his son. What do they mean they know who the winner is? I have to get out of here. I was going to hide in the kitchen until they leave, but as soon as I walked in the kitchen I hit one of chairs that was by the door, my water bottle slipped out of my hand, and the stack of chairs fell.

"Who's there?" I heard someone yell.

Shit! I have to hide, but where. I looked around for a place to hide. I heard the door open and my heart dropped. I'm so screwed.

I finally I finished chapter two it took me a while.

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