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find what you love and let it kill you. let it drain you of your all. let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. for all things will kill you, both slowly and quickly. but it's much better to be killed by a lover.

"Lucille. Hey, Lucy. Can you hear me?"

The battered woman opened her eyes to see the familiar ones of Rami. Her heart soared at the sight of him, although those beautiful brown orbs of his were filled with tears; that scared her.

"Hey, love." She managed, her voice hoarse and a small cough followed.

A small chuckle sounded from the man as he wrapped her weaker hand in his. Carefully, he raised the appendage to his lips to place a sweet kiss on the back of it. He continued to rub the back of it as he lowered it into his free hand.

"You had all of us - me especially - worried sick. You took the worst of that move; Stephanie is okay, just a couple bruises and dislocations. The doctors said you are very lucky to be in the situation you are in.

It... it could've killed you."

A small sniffle came over him, causing him to move one of his hands to wipe away the stray tears. Weakly and shakily, Lucy's hand followed his and stroked his bearded cheek.

"Hey, you're not getting rid of me. Not that easily." She joked before another cough racked her tired body.

Rami couldn't help but smile as he tried to calm her down. He didn't need her hurting herself more than she was already facing. However, seeing her come around did make him feel a bit better.

As he tried to explain what had happened after the match, the doctor had returned, happy to see her awake and well. She picked up where Rami had left off, explaining how she had suffered several broken ribs, internal bleeding in her head and chest, as well as lung problems. She was rushed into emergency surgery as soon as she arrived the night before. At this point, she was stable, but they wanted to keep her hospitalized just to be sure. Lucy thanked her before she allowed the two to have some time together.

"I'm sorry." Lucy groaned as the doctor shut the door behind her.

Rami looked at her confused, "For what?"

"Last night was supposed to be our moment, but look at me: I'm in a hospital bed over a stupid accident that I can't even remember."

"Stop that," Rami's voice fell, almost hurt that she would even say that. He took her hand again and rubbed his thumb along it, "You didn't ruin anything. It was an accident, you couldn't help it. And who cares about our moment? Lucy, don't you see what you've done?

You beat Stephanie McMahon. You won.

"You brought about the change the company desperately needed. You inspired millions of people around the world. Look at Eli, she thinks the world of you and, as quoted by Kevin, says she wants to be like you when she grows up. You've done more in a year than many can say they have in their whole careers.

"You don't need to be sorry about hurting yourself. It could've happened to anyone. I'm honored enough to say that I've had you beside me every step of the way until the very end. Being with you after the match meant the world, and nothing will ever change that. So, don't be sorry. I will remember that night not because it was an important milestone in my career,

but because you were there."

Lucy smiled, her hand squeezing his tighter.

Lucy smiled, her hand squeezing his tighter

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