"Right this way," Anita murmured, her voice echoing from the hallway to the grand dining room.

Corrie looked up to greet her father and was shocked to see Mr. Fletcher, the young man she'd met the night before.

"Mr. Fletcher, thank you for joining our family this evening," Anita murmured graciously, motioning him towards a chair next to Christina.

The handsome young man cast Corrie a helpless glance, and she realized he was as much a victim of their parents' matchmaking as Christina was.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Walker."

"I believe you've already met our eldest daughter, Miss Cornelia Walker. This is our youngest daughter, Miss Christina Walker. She has been recovering from a brief illness," Oliver exclaimed, gesturing to Christina.

Christina's face contorted in barely restrained rage as she cast a glare at her parents. She was conciliatory enough to offer Mr. Fletcher a tight, wordless nod, but Corrie could feel heat emanating from her.

Corrie looked with consternation from her mother to her father, but both were pointedly ignoring her gaze. I should have known better than to think they'd do something kind for Christina out of the goodness of their hearts.

"Yes, Mr. Fletcher, how nice to see you again," Corrie murmured, trying to cover for Christina's obvious discomfort.

Mr. Fletcher nodded at her in appreciation. "You too, Miss Walker."

The rest of the evening passed in conversation that consisted largely of Oliver asking Mr. Fletcher question after question and trying to identify commonalities between him and Christina. Mr. Fletcher, equally incommoded by the obvious chicanery, directed most of his queries to Corrie rather than her sister.

"So, Miss Walker," he said to Corrie with a smile. "I understand you've been living in New York City. What took you there?"

"I'm pursuing a degree in English. I'd like to become a writer once I finish my degree," Corrie answered, offering the young man a thankful smile.

"Yes, once Christina recovers, which we expect to be quite soon, Cornelia will be returning to her suitor and her degree in New York," Oliver interrupted without a hint of subtlety.

Corrie struggled to resist the urge to glare at her father in the uncomfortable silence that followed.

"If you'll excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, I'm afraid it is getting late. If you would allow me, may I escort your daughter back to the hospital?" Mr. Fletcher asked, and Corrie was grateful that she'd have an opportunity to apologize to the young man on behalf of her relations.

"Why, yes, that would be very chivalrous of you," Oliver declared, clapping his hands together in glee.

"I'll join them," Corrie added in a voice that refused contradiction.

Her parents didn't protest, and moments later Mr. Bricker was driving the three of them towards Dr. Benjamin's practice. Christina still refused to speak to Mr. Fletcher as if it were somehow his fault that her parents had tried to pair them off.

"Mr. Fletcher, I'm so sorry about this evening. I assure you that we were completely unaware of our parents' intentions," Corrie exclaimed, earnestly searching Mr. Fletcher's obsidian eyes.

"It's alright, Miss Walker," the young man answered, both benevolence and disappointment in his eyes. "You made it clear to me that any efforts on my part would be purely wasted with you and your sister."

His words finally elicited a response from Christina as her gaze jerked to Mr. Fletcher's face. "Who told you?" she whispered.

"Your sister told me that you are both entertaining suitors. I understand yours has joined the army. He's a brave man, and it's good of you to stand by him while he's gone," Mr. Fletcher responded gently.

Corrie watched as Christina's expression changed from one of mute disgust to gratitude. "Oh, Mr. Fletcher, thank you," she exclaimed in a rapturous voice.

He nodded. "Of course. You are both charming young ladies; your suitors are very lucky, and I am fortunate to have met you."

"We would be grateful of your friendship if you'd offer it," Corrie murmured in a low voice.

She could see the lonely ache in the young man's eyes so clearly. She had no doubt he craved companionship as much as love.

"Consider it offered," he responded, a broad smile taking over his face. "If you'll call me Titus."

A few moments later, they arrived at the hospital and were greeted by a sleepy Hannah, shirttail untucked and dark curls already down for the evening. With her long hair framing her face and the moonlight casting an unearthly glow across her olive skin, she captured Mr. Fletcher's attention instantly.

"Oh, uh, hello, Miss."

When Corrie saw Hannah's demure blush, she wondered if perhaps Mr. Fletcher would not remain so lonesome forever. 


Mr. Fletcher is such a sweetheart! Also, guys, the chapter on Friday is my favorite yet. I hope you like it as much as I do! Thanks for reading, and as always, please vote, comment, and keep reading :)

~ Hannah

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