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Vent drummed his pencil against the wooden desk. He was supposed to be working on a family history paper for school, but he really didn't know much about his family- the biological one, any way. What he was told was that his mother died early (how early was never discussed) and that his father was some kind of hero. He always kinda figured Giro really knew but opted not to tell him for some reason, and Juno legitimately didn't know or she would have told him.

Maybe he could make something up?

'My parents met on a real rainy day, and Dad offered Mom an umbrella...'

Nah, too sappy. Vent was ready to gag over his own words. Then, Vent had an idea that almost didn't seem like his own, but he started to write it down anyway;

'I never knew my parents. I barely even know if they loved each other. When I was younger I thought that Boss was my dad and Juno was my mom. A part of me knew that they weren't. I used to have dreams, dreams where I knew my real mom. She was pretty. She had strawberry-pink hair and big brown eyes. When she smiled, her whole face smiled too. I haven't had those dreams in awhile though, so I don't even know if I might have made her up until now...'

Vent looked over his paper as if he didn't recognize his own handwriting. With a small shrug, he continued to write until he reached the paper's word count.

Mega AU: 2017 Mother's Day VignettesWhere stories live. Discover now