Superluv (It's A Shoey Thing!)- A Shoey Fanfiction

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Chapter 1: Differences

Hey Joey! Do you want to come over? Lisa’s not here and I was thinking we could do another #Shoey vid :)

I kept re-reading this very text over and over again. I know it sounds crazy, but wouldn’t you do that if the guy of your dreams texted you? Yes, you heard me right. My name is Joey Graceffa, and I am gay.

I haven’t always known I was gay. I actually only just found out when Shane Dawson got dared to kiss me. I really like him, but it isn’t one of those sappy romance stories where everything ends up with a “Happy Ever After”. I’m gay, he’s straight. That’s the way it is.

After a few minutes, sadly smiling I sent him a text back.

Sure thing! Sorry for not responding :/ Be over in 20 :)

Shoving on my shoes and grabbing the keys to Satsuki, I walked out the door calling out a good-bye to Sawyer. Today is the day I will do it. Today is the day I will tell Shane how I really feel.

There will be no regrets. What’s the worst that could happen anyway?


There we have it! The first mini-chapter to my first EVER Shoey fanfiction; Superluv (It's A Shoey Thing!). I’m so excited, yet I feel really nervous! I highly doubt anyone will bother with reading my fanfiction ^-^’ This will be rated PG at the moment (who knows where this book might go?) I may or may not continue this, so feel free to comment your opinions ❤

Until next time!

Edit: I changed it up a bit! This will all be in Joey's POV unless it is stated otherwise. I now have an idea for the plot! I guess that I will continue this.

 Thanks for reading!


Superluv (It's A Shoey Thing!)- A Shoey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now