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Chapter 36:

''I've been meaning to ask this for a pretty long time now, ever since you mentioned it at the hospital.'' I say as I awkwardly move in my chair, they all snapped their heads to look at me their mouth still stuffed with their lunch.

I didn't stay at the hospital long, which was actually quite a good thing, I hate missing out on school activities, It's stressful to have a pile of unfinished homework waiting for you on top of your desk at home.

''What is it Aya-chan?'' Kae asks, nibbling on the sandwich she has in her hands at the moment.

'' Kachu Ranbu?'' I ask, gulping.

At the mention of Kachu Ranbu, Kae and Nishina's eyes instantly lit up a smile on both their faces.

''I ship Akane x Lord!''

''I ship Lord x Akane!''

A second after that it felt like hell froze over and time just stopped.

''What do you mean, Lord x Akane!?''

''What do you mean, Akane x Lord?!''

Both of them then engaged in an intense glaring competition.

I shrunk down in my seat, I felt like I made a big mistake.

A really, really big mistake.

''It's clearly Lord x Akane!, senpai! '' Nishina yells out

''It's clearly Akane x Lord!'' Kae yells out.

They both continued to bicker back and forth, A frown formed on my face when I realized this was all my fault, I forced a smile on my face and got up from my seat. 

''I'll go out for a while to get some fresh air.'' I muttered out, but since Nishina and Kae were to busy arguing, I'm not sure if the group heard me.

With a sigh, I walked out of the canteen.


''Woman, You look troubled.''

I look up from the place I was lying down on and saw , Izumo.

Cue, headache, I placed on a smile on my face so that he wouldn't worry about me.

''Oh hi ,Izumo, It's nothing really, what are you doing here in the first place?''

''I just came to check on your condition.'' He told me with a smile, as he sat down next to me with his legs crossed.

''You and Kira saved me right? Thanks.'' With a grin, I smile at him.

Suddenly a frown was placed on his face.

''I'm sorry.''

My eyes widen. ''Eh?''

A stray tear rolled down his face, increasing my confusion.

''E-Eh!? What's wrong , Izumo!?''

''I'm different at night, and I hate it.''

I didn't say anything, But I did look at him as if he was crazy.
What in the world was he talking about?

We went to Mutsumi's house to return a book, but he didn't seem different to me.

''My medicine helps me stay sane.''

I was more confused than ever. 

Did he have cancer? was he diagnosed with tubercolosis? is he going to get admitted into a mental institusion?

''Izumo! there you are!'' Kira shouts as she grabs him by the arm, she then smiled at me. ''I  see that you're okay now, You should be ready for the next one, now let's go Izumo!''

Maybe it was just my eyes, or the lighting played a trick on me, but I swear she gave me a glare before walking away.

But why would she glare at me? There isn't any reason that makes sense.

Kira is a good person.

She's my friend, and I'm sure she wouldn't do anything to hurt me.


''Oy! Where did you head off to?'' Nana asks. ''It's not like I care about you or anything, but it would really give us more problems if you suddenly got hospitalized again.'' He says as he looks away.

''I just went to the restroom.'' I mutter out, ''By the  way, how's Kae and Nishina?'' I ask when I realized they were both nowhere to be seen.

''They got into a fight.''


Awkward silence formed around us, But then again, this is practically one of the only times we would talk without getting into a fight or waging an all out war on each other.

 Nana coughed. ''So uh, To make you feel better how about you and I go--''

''Ayano-chan!'' Mutsumi exclaims, cutting off Nana. ''Serinuma-san and Nishina got into a fight and now their in this competition to know which ship is better.''

''Yeah, I heard.'' I tell him as I bit my inner lip, usually I would freak out and start worrying, but after that incident that just happened a few moments confusion still didn't vanish.

I was too confused to care.

I then look at Nana with a tilted head. ''Oy, by the way, what did you want to ask me?''

His face was red and he had a frown on his face.


Mutsumi also had a frown on his face.

Was there something I was missing here?

Before I knew it the bell that signals class time rang.

But for some reason, The day passed by too fast.





It was in the middle of the night, I was supposed to spend my night under the blankets, with peace all around me, it was my time to get away from all the stress and confusion.

Even if it was just for a little moment.

That was all I asked for, was that too much too ask?

Why for heaven's sake is someone calling me in the middle of the night when there is clearly still school tomorrow, It wasn't even a Friday yet for crying out loud.

Mustering all my strength, I grabbed my phone glaring at the caller's name.

Serinuma Kae.

I need sleep, as much as I love you..

I want to demolish you for taking my precious sleeping time away from me.

As I pressed accept, I placed the phone right beside my ear.

''Aya-chan! I need your help!''

''....What is it?'' I say with my eye twitching.

''I'm trying to think of the perfect fanfiction, but I just can't come up with any right now!''

''Then use this time to think of one..better yet--sleep.''

''But I can't sleep!''

''Well I can, goodnight.''



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