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"Everything you are is just a memory, and these are the things that shape you, or destroy you." He said, his voice dripping eerily of professionalism and pessimistic honesty.

"But it's fragile." He paused. "And there it is, teetering between life and death, or rather, remembrance and oblivion, just counting the days before its own destruction."

Murmurs were to be heard then; whispers across the room of memory, and its so called inevitable impending doom.

"But," He said, his voice traveling far, traveling wide. "What if everything you ever thought of, discovered, wrote, said, and experienced could be so effortlessly remembered? What if your entire being; all your genetic codes, your personal records, and any information significant enough, could be stored away? Somewhere safe, where only you have access to it." This man, otherwise known as the famous Mr. Hartford, took a large step across the sleek, black stage. A step towards an audience composed of hundreds of eager scientists, and technology-driven innovators. To put in his famous, widely-know slogan: he took a step towards the future.

"And what if," Mr. Hartford paused for a matter of short seconds to cast his anticipating audience a concentrated glare. "What if I'm holding an object that has the capacity to accomplish all those things, right on the tips of my fingers?"

Small gasps erupted from the audience simultaneously, some louder than others, and others louder than some.

William Hartford smirked, knowing full well that he had the crowd's attention, as well as an easy pathway to their wallets, wrapped around his finger. To him, it was just too easy.

"With the technology we have today, we are enabled to construct the most spectacular things! And I personally think that this will be the most innovative of them all." He flashed a charming smile to many people seated directly in front if him, searching to find a single pair of eyes that weren't focused on him. To his minimal surprise and satisfaction, he found no such thing.

"May I present to you... the Microtac." William spoke ever-so elegantly as he sauntered off to the left side of the stage, only to then travel back to where he was before. Every pair of eyes was trained on the man, and every pair of eyes moved left, then right, synchronized with his motions.

"The Microtac, brought to you by-the one and only... Hartford Enterprises."

And directly after William had pronounced the last consonant of his his own company, the emblem flashed bodly across the large television screen behind him. An abstract image of a footprint, composed of several circuit boards lied pixelated across the screen. A visual representation of Mr. Hartford's goal to take a step towards the future, and leave a promising mark that will dictate the lifestyle of future generations.

(A/N: So, I've started a new book and this is just a short, semi-boring introduction to it. I promise you that this book will become a lot better than this prologue is promising. Also, keep in mind that this is NOT a fan fiction. Although, if it does not get many reads there is a possibility that I will change it into one. I am still writing Madness and I plan to write the two at the same time. Thank you, and please vote! It makes my day :) )

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