Chapter 2

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Finn POV
"Sir, that women need to learn a lesson. She doesn't have any respect for people." Steven said. Steven is my head security.

"Leave her."

"Sir, if we do so she will take you for granted and we may lose the respect people have on you."

"Yes. You are right. We should do something." I notice her coming towards my car. "Steven return this file to her and my card."


"Tell her she have an appointment at 5."


"Do it." He took the file from me and left. I observed them talking, she looked unsure when he gave her my card. And when he explained her, she looked surprised actually shocked.

When I reached home, Catherine opened the door. It's her duty to make sure that by the time I reach home, everything should be clean and arranged. "Good morning sir." She said with a smile.

"Morning." I said and nodded. She smiled and then she noticed my now brown and white shirt. But just leaves without questioning.
Clara POV
I decided to go back to my house and rest for some time. I am still not sure why he offered me job. What's on his mind?

When I reach my home, my mom opened the door and her smile widened. "Did you find one."

"No. Maybe."

"What?" I just nodded in response. "Clear!"

"Okay! Okay!" I tell her what happened.

"Ow, you behave weird sometimes."

"I know, but I didn't like the way they think of them self."

"And you are planning to go to the interview?"


"What will you do, if you get a job?"

"Great question." I give her a fake smile and eyes widen.

"Then he will be your boss."

"I don't mind but now I have to sleep." I said and run to my room.

I change into my shorts and decided to take an hour nap. I need a fresh mind for my interview. Is it an interview? I am not sure. And set an alarm at 3:40.

I woke up when I listened to a loud sound, it's my alarm. I feel life is so short. I take a 15 minutes shower and change into my blue jeans and white button up shirt and insert my shirt at front and leave it free at the back.

I wish that I will get this job, but I still doubt if he meant it. I walk to the bus and catch the bus at 4:20. I was there before 5 minutes. Well... perfect.

When I enter inside, I find a lady in her late 20s standing at the back of a desk. I walk towards her with a smile. "Can I help you mam?"

"Yes please, I am Clara Wilson. I was.... asked to come here." That's what I can say, I am not sure what I should say I have an appointment?

"Yes, we have been expecting you." Really? I have been expecting you to throw me out. I wanna add. But, I just smiled. " I am Jade Anderson. Please take a seat Ms.Wilson." She says pointing towards the seats.

"No." She looks at me with a question mark on her face. "I mean please, call me Clara." You know what, I am just 20.

"Sure Clara." She smiles. I smile back and return to my seat. She talks in a phone, a looks at me in middle, I pretty sure who it is.

10 minutes later.. cool, you can do this, 20 minutes later.. all you need is confidence, 30 minutes later.. I will do this, 40 minutes later.. did he really mean it, 50 minutes later.. is he playing with me, 60 minutes later.. .............

"Clara, wake up. Wake up. He is calling you. Ms.Wilson."

"No." I woke up. It's Jade. "Oh, sorry. How long?"

"Just 2 minutes."

"Okay? What's the time now?"

"It's 6:30." Oh, am I supposed to be surprise?
Finn POV
"Sir, I was just informed that. Ms.Wilson is here." I was looking at some files of the Russian company when my assistant Ms.Allen informs me.

"Okay, allow her in." I say. I think about morning and the way she spoke. So powerful and.... wait, wait, wait disrespectful. She shouldn't behave like that when she works under me.

"Yes sir." She turns.

"No, wait. I will inform you later." I am free today, that means no more meetings, but they are some signs and readings to do.

"Okay sir." She says and turns again. Then I open my laptop and start observing Clara from the cc cameras. I generally use it to check if people are doing their works. She looks around playing with her fingers, biting her lips and then she slept.

She looks very cute and innocent in her sleep. Oh no... what am I doing?

I call Ms.Allen "Call that lady in." I order.

"Yes sir." She says and I end the phone.

I again look at the cc camera, Mrs. Anderson wakes her up but she doesn't for a minute and then she yells something, then they talk something and she gets up and stretches.

I off my laptop and sit straight and stick my eyes to the file in front of me.
So.... what do you think? Do you like it. I have decided on both their POVs. So what do you think about Finn POV.

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