2. Writing to no one

Start from the beginning

"Sure professor"

She kicked herself in her head for having this kind of personality. She had to carry 2 boxes of what she thought was Bludgers. Her arms felt numb after she dropped it down on the wet grass.

Overhead the sky was gloomy and cloudy (just like her mood), and a chilly gush of cold air made Hermione's arm hair rise up. She wasn't even wearing a scarf.

" 'mione you came!" She turned around to see Ron rushing towards her.

She almost laughed out loud. He was wearing a helmet which was ridiculously big for him and wore matching breastplates. He also wore a kneepad which looked as though it was protecting the whole leg.

" Actually I was just - " She stopped herself when she saw Harry's pleading eyes. She sighed.

"Yes, I guessed that it was the perfect weather to come watch you guys play a sport which I do not understand"

Either Ron was very nervous, or he was dumb as usual because he didn't notice the sarcasm in her voice. She knew why Harry wanted her to stay. He needed confidence. She looked over at the seats and saw spotted the girl with wild, curly hair among the few crowds. Why can't Lavender be your support? Hermione asked herself as she climbed up the stairs to the seats.

Then she spotted a ginger-haired girl running down the pitch. Ginny? Hermione had no clue that she was trying out for the team. She swore Harry's cheek turned a shade of pink when she came and explained something. At least she won't be bored now.

After Madam Hooch and Harry finished explaining to the players, they started. Hermione guessed that Ginny was playing chaser and Ron was the keeper. Ginny was surprisingly good, as she swerved left and right and held on to the ball. Ron, on the other hand, wasn't as good. He missed most balls and almost fell off his broom twice. Nonetheless Lavender kept on cheering.

Hermione looked at the other side of the court. Cormac McLaggen, the proud brat who Hermione hated was leading with 4 saves, while Ron had 3.  She looked down as her feet. Her chest tightened at the thought of Ron's expression afterwards. He needed a little bit of help.

Ginny was moving towards Mclaggen with the Quaffle. Hermione looked around her to check if anyone was watching. Everyone had their eyes on the ball. Ginny got ready to throw, it was now or never. The ball was midway between Ginny and the Hoop.

"Confundo" Hermione muttered under her breath.

One small word could change a lot of things. Mclaggen jerked and swivelled to the right, doing a bizarre movement. Everyone roared with laughter. Hermione smirked to herself.

The funny thing was after this Ron didn't miss a single shot. At the end of the day, Harry announced that Ron would be their keeper, a decision which Mclaggen was not happy about. The wide grin on Ron's face as he ran to hug Hermione was unexplainable. He may break her heart but he was still her best friend.

. . .

After a boisterous dinner, Hermione excused herself to go to bed early.

"Aren't you going to Celebrate?" Ginny asked. Her cheeks were bright red from the drinks that her brothers brought in.

"No thanks Ginny" Hermione laughed.

She was changing into her nightdress when she spotted a piece of paper under the rose. Not again, she thought.

Ask Me......

Curious, she grabbed her ink and started writing on the paper.

Who are you?

Just as she thought, her sentence disappeared and got replaced by another sentence, with a different style of writing.

Really Hermione Granger? I thought you were the smartest witch in our year. Ask something helpful.

Whoever gave her this letter was very smart. Smart enough to make a style of letter just like Tom Riddle's diary. Hermione smirked, whoever it is was in her year.

How do you know that it's Hermione?

I know the style of your writing.

This person had classes with her.

How did you know my favorite page?

You always read it when you are angry.

This person also went to the library often.

Are you in Gryffindor?

Definitely No.

Hermione was shocked at this answer.

How do I know your not lying?

You can't.... you have to trust me.

She paused to think.

How do you know where I sleep?

I use magic.... don't worry I don't watch you sleep.

She laughed to herself

Are you a boy?


Hermione knew that this person hesitated answering this as it took quite some time.

Why are you sending me all these things?

Longer moments passed.

Because I like you, Hermione Granger.

. . .

** Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise it will get interesting around like the end of chapter 4 ish or maybe earlier..... i think..... SO DON'T STOP READING :) **

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