He better be happy

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Blade POV

I just listened to her remembering all the things she is saying. Once done I asked her question to make sure I was getting things right " so they basically saved you from being captured by the.. kraag... and they are going to protected you from them, that's nice of them" she nods " yeah that is but they're going to protect you as well blade" I just huff at that, ' I don't need protection that's way I have a gym on the roof I thought. " Yeah right April. She needs protection? I bet she went straight for those robots once she saw them. 'Protection' pff protection my butt" Raph said. I mean he isn't wrong I don't need it but jezz what the hell does he have against me?! I did noting to his red head butt. He made me growl at him to which he turned to me not sure who was growling since shadow was there in my lap " dang Raph, what are you afraid that she can kick more but then you?" Mikey giggles which made me chuckle. All Raph did was growl at him  " no I'm not Mikey" " okay okay, blade Donnie needs you for a bit" Leo said which made a nervous but I didn't show it " um okay sure" I got up and went to the purple turtle with Leo beside me, I'm tell you if he wasn't beside me i would have not gone into this lab looking room. I saw Leo close the door which made more nervous and I was showing it " um w-what are you guys going to do??" ' damn it I stuttered! I hate stuttering' I said to myself " don't worry it's noting bad we just kind need some of your blood" Donnie said looking at me. He was hiding something I know but i didn't know what " Donnie....if there is a needle behind you, god so help me you and I arr going to fight. And I don't think you want that." I said to him " See, told you she wasn't going to be happy about this." Leo said. Donnie groans and puts the needle down, and to this I freaked out a bit. I don't like seeing them point period.was all I could say before i felt something in my arm which made my gasp and tear my it away " Yes!" I heard Donnie say. I growl at him " you're happy huh? You better start running there doinne or don't it makes it easier for me to kick you shell butt" I popped my knuckles and walk towards him. He just stood there for a bit and looked at his wrist " oh well um l-look at the time, g-got to go!" He yelled before running off and I followed him " get back over here you needle liking geek!" I yelled at him

Third POV

Leo sighs and opens the door when she said those words ' yeah...not going to take the blame of this one all up to Donnie' he thought to his self and saw them running  out. Raph was reading a comic book before looking at Donnie who was running and blade right behind " wonder what the nerd did now" he says smirking a little and looks to Leo " yo, are you going to stop her?" Leo just shakes his head " no, she's like you Raph" Raph blinks at his comment and shrugs before going back to reading his comic " well hope she doesn't break him" Leo rolls his eyes a bit and heard a thump like sound and ran towards it.once he got there be saw blade sitting on top of Dionne " say it! And I'll get off of you" she yells " alright alright, I'm sorry!" Dionne was trying to get her off but fail to " andddd?" " uncle!" She grins and gets off him and rubs her arm where he put the needled to. Dionne groans and sits up " you know you could have just asked me cut my finger or just oh I don't know took some blood when you where patching up my arm" She says to him. Dionne just rolls his eyes a bit and gets up " he has a point Dionne" Leo said " oh you're in this to blue" she smirks and tackles Leo down which he wasn't expecting and went down. Dionne decided that it was his time to leave and did to go back to his lab and being looking at blade blood samples.


I wasn't expecting her tackle me and when she did I went down hard. " ow hey! Why am I in this??" " because you know I hate needles and you didn't stop him" I huff and and push her off but failed as she notice and held my arms down " no no no~ can't let you do that blue" she chuckles. I glared at her before realizing how close she was which made me blush. She had a confused look when she saw my face until she realized how close she was and blushes as well letting go of my arms and getting off me " oh my god I am so sorry I didn't know i was that close" he sit up a bit a chuckle ' she looks kind if cute when she blushes... did... did I just think that?!' I thought to myself but shake it off " it's fine blade but have a great grip, maybe you can train with us, that's if sensei lets you" she looks at me and smiles " that would be awesome! That means I can show you my skills" she chuckles, I smile a bit " I'm sure you have some good ones" I smirk. She gave me a confused look when I said. " umm never mind"

Blade POV
( I'm going back a little from Leo pov just in case you are confused)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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