Days Gone By, Everything Got Worse

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hiiiiiiiiii lets get back to this odd  story!!  Oh and a quick shout out to four people, FiftyShadesofJoyMin3 for mentioning me you are awesome and I advised you to read some of her books and next up is PharaohJill just because her x reader stories are awesome and kellez11122 because she is awesome and is Kelly ,and also last but not least ReshaGirl for being annoying... Jk you are cool😀😀😀😄😄😄😆😆 thank you 

(Axel''s point of view)

      It's been a month, and that month felt like heaven. I've been waiting for this moment everyday when I was in jail. Just waiting to grope her, to feel her, to smell her, and to taste her. 

      Ever since, Vincent had appeared I knew it was my chance to get her back. I walk down stairs carefully, not to wake her up from the creeking noise. As I opened the door I saw her nude body covered with bruises and hickeys that I've made. 'Even though I did all that work she still looks so beautiful and innocent'. I crept my hands on her soft skin, rubbing her breast ever so slightly. I felt my mouth get so dry. I licked and bit my lip, lowering my head to her nipples. I felt how hot my breath was and how moist my mouth was on her bud. "Muhh Mic-hael!" 

 (Rose's point of view) 

      My eyes fluttered open and looked down at a red haired figure, "Muhh Mic-hael!" He raised his head to my response. I then saw his icy blue eyes. He wasn't my Michael. "I was waiting for you to wake up, My Love." Axel humed in my ear. His words sent shivers down my back. "What's wrong, Babe? I got your tongue." He used his right hand to open my mouth, and plunged his tongue in. I tried pushing back, but Axel was pining my hands on the head board of the bed. I then felt the other slide down my waist and felt a pinch on my clit. "Axel! st- stop!" Axel looked me dead in the eyes and said, " Rose," he purred," why do you deny my love? I know you love it. You say "no" and "stop" ,but your body, say otherwise​. Why won't you let me love you?!"

       He pulled his belt off his pants and flipped me, where my stomach is on the bed. I went to move until, I was yaked by a leather belt that was wrapped around my neck. "Ugh kuk!" I landed on Axel shirtless body. He pulled the belt tighter, as he did so, I felt my lungs giving out. I was losing air. I felt heated air on my face like a heater. " Awe! Rose, you're​ so cute when your face is so red like that! Oh and when you're gasping for air. You know the right things to turn me on." He let go of the belt, allowing me to breathe. Axel only laughed at my sight of weakness. He pulled down his black jeans, along with his boxers. I felt him teasing my pussy with his hard cock. ' I hate my body why is it acting this way!' I thought, Axel's​ large hand gripped mine, while the other aimed his dick into my slit. I had expected a rough thust in my entrance, but it was gentle, easy, yet smooth. " I want to take my time with you, feeling every inch of you." Axel whispered in a deep seductive voice. " W-why?" I replied, trying to hold the tears and the moans."Because, I have a bad feeling this week, Love. Though, it doesn't have to be bad. Did you miss your period yet?" With that question, it left me asking questions. When was the last time I had my period? "Rose?" Am I pregnant? "Rose!" What am I going to do with the baby? And, 'Am I every going to get out of here?'
"ROSE! Listen to me while I'm talking to you BITCH!" I had a stinging pain across my face. I hadn't realized the he turned me over to face his, cold icy blue eyes that was now filled with anger.

(Michael's point of view)

       "We still can't find her Ms.Khalid. We might as well give up it's been a month, and that man still haven't woke up yet. He and what look like his son has the only evidence."
"Well, I don't give a damn find my fucking siste- MICHAEL!"
I open my eyes wider seeing it Kelly and a police officer running over towards me. "Where's Rose!" I nearly yelled, the police officer went in front of Kelly. "Mr. Valentine, we can't find her. We can use all the information we can get. Do you remember anything of that day when you were shot." The officer asked, I sat up on my hospital bed. Felt a sharp pain in my chest. "Ahh!" Kelly rushed to my side, helping me sit up. Then,a female police officer came into my room, with Vincent, "DAD!" He yelled hugging my muscular form. "Vincent are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He nodded at all my questions.

        After hours and hours of talking, the police officer named Resha, phone rang. "Officer Resha, we found some evidence of the kidnapping of Rose Heart." When I heard that my heart sank. The memories shot back to my mind, filling me with hatred and worry. My beloved Angel is still not found! What the FUCK! Axel is going to pay! Nephew or not. "Michael, we would like to have you to come with us to investigate. Tomorrow of course." Resha said placing a hand on my shoulder. She and the other police officer walked out the room.

          I turned toward Vincent and Kelly and said, " We have to head home, there is something​ I need to get." I got off the hospital bed, and put on the same clothes from that day. The good part is, it's clean. " What are you doing, dad, you are going to hurt yourself!" Vincent said blocking the door from me.
I ruffled his dark red hair and stared at his hazled eyes. " Son, I have to do something, that can save your mother. I know I can't bare the fact that she is stuffering. So I have to find them too. Right now or at least try. I'm not staying at this hell hole." Vincent was quite, but understood. He moved away from the door.

Vincent's point of view and at the house)

       I sat down on the couch reminiscing about that day. Everything is still just how we left it. After a few minutes, I went in my mom and dad's room, to only see my dad put something metallic in his pants pocket. " Hey Dad, what did you put in your pocket?" I questioned him. He snapped his head in my direction and replied,   

                      "A gun."

Phew sorry guys I have done a lot of yard work I guess that Mexican blood in me paid off 😃 no too far okay. But thank you for all the votes and follows and shout outs I really love you guys and girls thank you so much this always lighten my day.

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