Chapter 3

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Time Skip 2 Months
You were now 6 months pregnant. Visibly showing. Tsu'tey has been great so far with taking care of you. If you craved a certain fruit he would go out and pick it. If you craved a certain meat he would go hunt the animal and cook it for you. Tsu'tey doesn't want you to do much now a days. You assure him your fine but him and Mo'at think it would be good to rest. He only let's you go out on your Ikran when he's with you for fear of something happening without him there like now for instance. Your riding your Ikran with Tsu'tey, Jake, Norm, and Netiri since she found a new Ikran. You guys have a day to goof off so you came up with the idea to fly to a nice lake you once saw while flying that you have been wanting to visit for a while now. You guys landed about after an hour of flying on the shore of the lake. It was one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen. It was bright blue but see through. The sand was white the sun was glistening off it just right to make it look like a lake of crystals. Tsu'tey picked you up and ran as everyone else did too. Norm was looking at rocks in the water while Jake and Netiri were swimming together further into the lake and you and Tsu'tey are just floating on top of the water holding hands.
"This place is so nice. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" You said smiling looking at Tsu'tey.
"I can think of something more beautiful" Tsu'tey said smiling at you adoringly. You leaned over and kissed him putting all your love into the kiss. When you both pulled apart Jake came up behind Tsu'tey and pulled him under the water. You stood there laughing with Netiri watching Norm, Tsu'tey, and Jake wrestle in the water. You guys stayed until it was dark then flew back to the Tree of Souls.

Time Skip 2 Weeks
The new tree the Na'vi found was surveyed and tested to see if it's safe. It turns out it is and you can move into it. You were riding your Ikran along with your friends to the new tree. It wasn't really that far from the Tree of Souls. It wasn't long before you saw the tree come into sight. As you got closer you realized it was a lot like the old Hometree. There wasn't much of a difference on the outside. It was the second biggest tree on Pandora. Na'vi on Ikran flew to the top of the tree and landed their Ikran before dismounting and beginning to descend down the big spiral in the middle. When you got to the bottom to meet with the rest of the clan that rode on Pa'li or walked you realized there wasn't much of a difference on the inside from the old Hometree. In fact it practically looked the same, like you were back in the old tree and it brought a case of nostalgia back to you thinking about the memories the old one held. Tsu'tey came up next to you and put his arm around your waist and resting his hand on your baby bump. Jake then gave a speech to the clan about this being their new home and that there would be a celebration celebrating the find of the new Hometree. After Jake's speech you and Tsu'tey ran up the spiral and found a perfect spot not far from the very top to hang your hammocks. There was a big cove dug into the side of the tree that you put your hammocks in. It was like a giant bedroom. All it needed now was a curtain across the entrance and you got yourselves a kind of apartment. You took off your satchel filled with things you made and started unloading it onto a shelf that was already built into the wall. Tsu'tey did the same before both of you left and started wandering around the tree hand in hand.
"Do you think the babies going to be a boy or a girl?"
"Boy. How about you?"
"I'm not sure. I kind of feel likes it both. I know it sounds weird but I do."
He just looked at you and nodded before looking ahead again. Tsu'tey went to go help Jake with something while you took a walk around the tree and sat down at a nearby pond.

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