1 - A Fresh Start

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My alarm clock woke me up at exactly 7.45am. I needed to be ready, first impressions are everything. I groaned and rolled over to hit my alarm clock, glaring at the mini mouse painted on the clock face. I hate mornings.

I sat up in bed and observed my pristine surroundings, smiling as I scanned all of my belongs in their special positions. Not a sheet of paper was out of place, just how I liked it. Control. Planned. Perfection. More Control.

Slowly, I turned to look at my walk-in wardrobe's door. An outfit was hung on an oak hanger, waiting for me to wear it. I dragged myself out of bed like a seal hauls itself out of the sea. Today was the start of my new life. New friends. New Professors. New me.

I am living in student accommodation at my university, it's my first time living on my own away from my parents.

I grew up as a 'nerd', nobody noticed me and nobody liked me. I was just like a ghost that no one knew was there or not. Sad, I know, but I grew accustomed to it and got on with my mundane life like a good student. To be honest, I didn't really mind being ignored, in fact I quite liked it. I didn't worry myself with boys or who liked who or gossiping about who stole who's boyfriend behind somebody-or-other's back. I just soldiered on with the necessary parts of high school life.

So, once I got accepted into my university, I decided to give myself a 'makeover' - of some sorts. I binned my scruffy jeans and scuffed worn down trainers and worn out tees for a new wardrobe. For my first day, I opted for a red suede skirt with a black embroidered top and a pair of vintage heeled ankle boots. I straightened my shoulder length hair and gave my fringe a quick spritz of hairspray.

I stared at my wardrobe as I ate a banana. I went a little mad over the summer, I finally let my inner fashion enthusiast out. £500 worth of spending later, I was left with a gorgeous collection of vintage clothes.

I looked at my timetable and saw that I had my first physics lesson in half an hour. Physics is my life. I love it to bits, I can't think of anything better to do with my life than do calculations and use equations. I just hoped that I wasn't the only girl in my class.

I whipped out my phone and texted my mum.

- Hi Mum! Just woke up, about to go to my first lecture. Say hey to dad for me. Miss you lots, E x

I sighed and locked my phone, I missed my family. I was the youngest child of two. My older brother graduated uni last year and is now working as a lawyer in a firm in London. I hardly ever see him, but we talk a lot on the phone and he's still the over-protective brother he's always been. My mum and dad decided to move down to Cornwall when I started uni so we were separated by 550 miles.

I opened my door and made a mental note to knock on my neighbour's dorm door when I had a spare minute that evening. I needed to make new friends, and make good first impressions.

I checked my clock and saw the time was 8.09am.

Shit. I'm gonna be late!!

I legged it down the stairs and rushed into the crisp September morning air. I power walked in the general direction of the physics and maths building.

My breath plumed out in front of me like puffs of smoke. I felt my breathing getting quicker and I prayed to Einstein that I wouldn't have a panic attack. Not now!!

I collected myself as I found my building, I got a few concerned glances from a person sat at a desk in the entrance. I nodded my head at her and swiftly paced to my lecture theatre.


Damn! I'm late.

I quickly slipped through the door and into the room and prayed to lord Galileo that nobody noticed me. I sat down at an available desk and got out my notepad and pen. Chill Ella.

"Ah-hem! Thankyou for joining us...miss?" A voice interrupted my thoughts from the front of the room.

I snapped my head to the direction of the words and saw my new physics professor. Damn.

"Miss?" He repeated, looking me in the eyes.

"Oh-erm...E-Ella, Ella Heywood...sir." I stuttered in response, blushing a deep beetroot red.

He looked amused.

"Please, just call me Anthony. No need for formalities, we are all physicists here!" He replied and looked back at the room after is eyes lingered on me.

Oh my days. Please, Newton, give me strength.

THANKS FOR READING!! I hope you enjoyed the first installment of my new book! Please comment and vote so I know you are enjoying it!

L x

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