Book 4|18. The Right Time

Start from the beginning

Brialle inhaled sharply, understanding the reaction my words would have. Armand's expression immediately shifted back to fury. Tension rolled through Cage's shoulders, his body ready for an imminent attack. I held Armand's piercing gaze and said, "She may have paid the price for Cage's life, but I paid the price for yours."

His eyebrows shot up, as he realized my point. He was silent for a long moment and then scowled, "Fine...consider my debt paid."

I shook my head, my eyes continuing to bore into his. He was going to understand. "Your debt is nowhere near paid. I sacrificed myself twice for you, first when I took the stake that Vladimir meant for you. And second, when I traveled to Marku's kingdom to make sure he couldn't kill her, destroying the bond you held with her which would have destroyed you in the process."

He stared at me and objected, "I wasn't the catalyst for your risk with Marku. His actions were the outcome of his desire for you."

"Regardless of Marku's feelings for me, you drove Ileana away. You gave Marku the leverage he needed to destroy you and you know he absolutely would have. You should be thankful that he wanted to obtain me more than he wanted to kill you, because if he hadn't, she would have been dead the instant he obtained her. So no, you put me at risk in this scenario. The very same scenario that ended with my child dying... So no, your debt to me is not paid."

I was shocked to see his expression contort into pain when I mentioned the loss of my baby. Truthfully, I hadn't expected him to care in the least. His words were gruff, "I regret the loss of your child, the loss of my...grandchild."

All of the anger drained from my body. Tears pricked my eyes. Cage's hand found mine, squeezing my fingers lightly. Brialle rubbed Armand's arm soothingly. Our relationship shifted in that lingering moment as Armand and I continued to stare at each other. I couldn't even put the change into words, but somehow we were now looking at each other like a family, not two disinterested parties.

He and I had had moments of brief connection, but this one held strength. He revealed a deeper part of himself to me, a part that no one saw except for Brialle, my mother. I was even more shocked when he stood and walked to sit next to me on the couch. I turned my body to face him and felt Cage's reassuring hand rub small circles on my back.

The depth of emotion in Armand's eyes drew me in. His piercing blue eyes, so much like my own, the only physical trait we shared. My lip quivered. I had been so long without a father; I didn't know how to react to him in that capacity. His voice was still rough with restrained emotion, "My nature doesn't allow me to like your decision to let Queen Ileana go, but I am not foolish enough to risk my daughter and our relationship over it. I am proud of you."

I was in shock as his words washed over me. He was such a strong and proud man in his own right, I never thought he would recognize or see the value of my pride, the value of my choices.

"I am proud that you are headstrong, strong enough to take me on, and to make...very valid arguments," he admitted wryly, his lips curling up.

I returned his smile, the warmth of his words and obvious affection flowing through me, and whispered, "I am my father's daughter."

His expression shifted into deep satisfaction. "Indeed you are."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Brialle wipe tears from her cheeks. For so long, I had been alone, never knowing a single family member. It really was strange to be sitting with my father and my mother and my mate.

"And your decision has given me something I never thought I would have."

"What is that?" I looked at him in confusion.

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