Chapter 6

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* Addie's POV *

* Skip to January 14th *

I woke up this morning at 8:30 and was immediately taken up for chemo before I walked back to my room and ate breakfast.

After I ate my breakfast I got on my phone and scrolled through Instagram and Twitter which had been blown up lately because of me meetings 8 famous people. There were a couple hate tweets on my feed saying that I was just using cancer to get attention and I probably didn't even actually have it which hurt some but I mostly tried to ignore it and focused on the nice comments and replied to a couple of them.

Today was the day that my parents were leaving on their trip to Paris at noon. They came by the hospital and said goodbye to me on their way to the airport.

Bye Add, we'll see you soon, my dad said.

We love you sweetheart, my mother said before they both gave me hugs and headed for the door.

Make sure you send pictures please, I said.

Of course, bye sweetie, she said before they walked out and I was left alone in my room.

I sat in my room all day listening to music and reading a book on my phone except for my chemo treatments throughout the day.

* Skip to January 20th *

Today was the day that I was starting a heavy chemo week which meant that I was going to be tired a lot. The good news is that the gastrointestinal time cancer was caught early enough is already almost gone so my chemo treatments will be bumped back down in two weeks hopefully.

My parents are coming back from the trip tomorrow because it was only a week long. While they have been gone I haven't had any visitors besides Bailey and Charlie and I had pretty much just sat around watching hockey, listening to music, and reading books.

When 10 o'clock rolled around, June came by to take me to my first chemo session of the day.  After my chemo I walked back to my room and say back form on my bed before Charlie came by on his way back to his room from chemo.

Hey Addie, he said as he walked into my room and say down in the chair next to my bed.

Hi Charlie, what's up? I asked him.

Charlie and I just hung out talking about random stuff as usual until at 12:30 when lunch was brought around.

* Jon's POV *

We had just finished practice and coach called me into his office to talk to me.

What's up coach? I asked as I walked in.

Well as you know, there was a lot of special nights planned for this season when we were making the schedule and what those special night were were going to be announced as they got closer and the first one is coming up on February 4th.

Yes, I replied.

Well February 4th is National Cancer Day and we are inviting a bunch of cancer patients to the game to be recognized. We would like you to invite Addie to the game to be recognised.

Ok, I can tell her today on my way home.

Excellent, here's the information, he said before handing me a manilla envelope. I walked out of the office and back towards the locker room where I finished getting ready to leave.

Hey Capt, a bunch of us are going out for lunch, wanna come? Kaner asked me.

No thanks, I'm going to see Addie, I replied.

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