Neo: Final Battle

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Neo's hair fell back into her eye, and she turned in the direction Cinder was looking.

A single rose petal appeared in midair, and fell to the ground. As soon as it landed, a blur of red appeared over it and launched itself at the three.

Before Neo could react, Cinder's hand shot out and slammed a fireball into the girl's gut. Ruby Rose landed on the ground next to Neo, who smirked down at the Huntress.

Little Red, little Red. How have you been?

Ruby looked surprised. "You can talk?"

Cinder walked up between Neo and the girl. "No. She's in your head, Rose. She only does that, however, when she trusts the person."

Ruby looked hopeful, and then Cinder spoke again. "Or when she's certain you aren't going to live to tell anyone."

The Huntress's expression hardened as Neo's parasol opened. Cinder looked triumphant as she backed away. Now, Neo.

Neo jumped into the air, pushing her hand off of Ruby's cape and launching herself towards the building. 

Ruby spun around, Crescent Rose compacting into its sniper rifle form.

Out of the corner of her eye, Neo saw a bullet heading towards her, followed by another.

She flipped out of the way, blocking the next three with her parasol. Ruby gave up shooting and jumped at her, weapon expanding into scythe form.

Neo shattered on impact, appearing again behind the Huntress and landing a powerful kick to her spine.

Ruby was prepared, however, flipping back onto her feet and swinging the scythe again with insane speed. Neo barely dodged, sliding under the blade and sweeping the girl's legs out from under her.

Cinder was just watching, her ever-present smirk darkening. Neo grit her teeth and jumped back into the fight, grabbing onto the Huntress's shoulder and pushing herself into the air.

Ruby growled, readied her scythe, and shot at Neo, who dodged most of the bullets. One of them got through and singed her aura, which dropped to 80.

Neo winced and opened her parasol, spinning it in a circle to reflect the bullets as she came back down to the ground.

Ruby gasped as the bullets from Crescent Rose came back towards her, and was hit by half of them.

The girl fell to the ground with a cry, and Neo landed on her feet, sending Ruby flying with a kick to the gut.

Just as Neo was about to jump back into the fight, Cinder held up her hand. They switched places, Cinder walking up to Ruby and Neo falling back.

Ruby's eyes were glowing as she sat up, glaring at Neo. Cinder's heel planted itself in the ground, blocking the Huntress's view and forcing her to look up.

Roman was looking at her concernedly. Neo...Are you okay? What's going on?


Cinder was evidently through with Ruby, as the girl's aura was visibly drained. Before their conversation could continue, though, a singed Ruby spun her scythe towards Neo and Roman.

Or rather, just Roman. As Neo's eyes widened, the scythe contracted into sniper rifle form extremely quickly, sending a shock wave straight through her partner.

Crescent Rose fell at the Huntress's feet, and a smirk replaced her glare.

Neo's hair flew out of her face, revealing her eye. Cinder, sensing what was about to happen, wisely stepped out of the way. 

Ruby's eyes widened as she looked from Roman's prone form on the ground to Neo's now glowing red eye. " is your..."

Neo closed her eyes, allowing her rage to take over. A wave of power appeared in front of her and concentrated into a red beam. 

It fired itself straight at Ruby, and the girl had only time to swing her scythe in front of the beam to block before it hit.

Her attempt at blocking did nothing, however. The beam passed right through Crescent Rose and slammed into the Huntress's chest.

Ruby was sent flying backwards, and Neo's hair fell back over her eye, the glow ceasing. 

Cinder looked unendingly pleased, unfazed by Roman's injuries.

Neo's rage screeched to a halt as soon as a small groan came from Roman.


She ran to his side, biting her lip hard to keep calm. Roman! Are you okay?

Yes...what did you do?

Neo hesitated, not knowing if she should reveal her power to him. Um...I beat Red for you.

He laughed faintly, and moved his hand off his side to cover hers. I noticed. What I meant was how?

Neo didn't answer. Her eyes were wide as she looked down at Roman's side, which was bleeding heavily.

You're hurt!

He nodded. So I am. Are you okay?

Neo winced. Roman, we have to get you to Salem, she can heal you!

He sighed. "Neo...I'll be fine."

She wasn't having that. Fine for now. I can teleport you where you are, don't try to move.

Before he could protest, Neo's parasol opened, blocking them from view of Ruby and Cinder, and she teleported them to Salem's domain.

Ohhh snap. Neo went Super Saiyan, guys... Sorry it took me so long to update, school is not good for Tem's health. c: See you Bookworms in the next chapter!

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