"Hiiii!" I said coming over by him.

He smiled when he said "Look who's lazy for something fancy."


He looked at my mocassins, and I sighed before saying "I didn't have any flats... Jenna was gonna make me buy some, but I couldn't find any I liked..."

He raised his eyebrows at me before kissing me and walking over to his car.

We left quickly while I blasted Melanie Martinez. 

Josh's P.O.V.


Once we got over to the little restaurant, we got out before Violet asked "You never really liked bananas?"

I shook my head before she giggled and said "Same. It's so soft for me, and it molds quickly."

"Right?" I said agreeing with her.

She smiled before I hugged her while going inside the restaurant.

My eyes viewed over before spotting Tyler and Jenna by a table, and it seemed both of them were tired judging from their attire.

"Hello!" a woman behind the counter said. "How many?"

I held two fingers before she grabbed two menus and handed to the waiter who sat us by the other side of the place from Jenna and Tyler.

"Thank you!" Violet said in her soft voice.

The waiter nodded and walked away before I said "You so cute."

She giggled while her cheeks flashed red. 

I missed those little moments in the beginning. From us being shy to having us eat together and enjoying life together like nothing. Violet was probably one of my favorites on my list, and is at the top.

"You just wanna eat something light?" she asked me. "I'm not gonna crave so much on today."

"Oh, why not?" I asked while opening the menu.

"Jade wants to hang out with me. I don't want her to feel lonely since she told me she missed having our little 'sessions'."

"Oh, okay. I can try to find something to do."

"Yayyyy!" Violet said kissing my cheek before I smiled at her. 

"Young lady, there are other people looking at us!" I teased her. "Mind your manners."

She gave me a sassy look and said "Who you talking to?"

We both laughed before she ordered what we wanted.

Pancakes was the answer for me today. I literally drooled when I saw my plate while Violet got her plate of hash browns with eggs, bacon and sausage.

She took her photos before she dug in. "Legit?" I asked her.

She looked at me with her mouth full.

She nodded quickly and cheesily before I laughed and she ate her bacon. "Legit."

After breakfast, I wanted to go to Dunkin' Donuts to get donuts since Violet might've been petty about wanting some later on. Just to fulfill her needs, she needed the sprinkles too.

Violet's P.O.V.


I was with Jade right now since we had our little hang sesh going on. I hoped Josh was having fun with his day since we had about a week left before going on another tour soon. 

I was pretty excited this time since it would mean I'd be going around the world with them almost every day, and it would be so much fun to see different places. Jade said she'd have a couple of concerts on certain places, and luckily, there were some she'd be in town to do as well.

The speaker was blasting All Night by The Vamps, and Jade kept singing along with it until we got to a small place.

She turned it off before plugging her headphones in with one side hanging while tucked in her shirt while I adjusted my hair from the little tangles.

"You want to go in the mall to get some stuff?" she asked me.

I nodded before we went inside the parking lot and parked before we got out and started walking for a while since the mall was pretty far, and parking is always packed in the mornings and never changes at all.

"You know, I wonder how you and Josh love taking so many photos," Jade said while smiling. "You especially since I see a lot of photos."

I sighed and said "It's my boyfriend we're talking about with me, and I am happy to know him."

"Oh really? You hate when he stays wet after his showers?"

"How'd you know?" 


I raised my eyebrows before we laughed it off while entering the front entrance of the mall.

My stomach gurgled a little from my donuts, and I sighed before asking "You going on tour when?"

"The 25th," Jade said checking her phone before taking her earbuds out. "You'll be gone before I see you guys on Halloween."

"Yeppies," I said.

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