"And Tobias?" I raised a brow.

"Chasing a cat" Mauro replied with a sigh as he pointed in the far distance where I see Tobias sneaking after Lilli's and Mauro's black cat, Belphegor while Linton and Simon sneaking after him. I sigh and just face palmed myself. "That poor cat has a fucking PTSD thanks to Tobias"

"May I?" I look at Lilli and she steps away.

"Knock yourself I am sure as hell won't chase after them" she laughs before she climbs into the van.

I crack my knuckles as I jog after them. After capturing the guitarist and the bassist and shoving them into the van I go on a hunt for the vocalist who's currently trying to pray the cat down from a tree that just sits up praying for his own fucking life.

"Alright Forge cut it out, you already traumatised that cat enough don't you think?" I raise a brow as I cross my arms and look at him.

"But I just wanna hold him" he whines as he reaches his hand out towards the cat and the poor animal after suffering a heart attack races up higher on the tree. "Come on Belphegor I know you love me!"

"Yeah like pig the slaughter house" I grin and he just gives me a death glare. Woah touchy. "Jesus Christ if you want to hold a cat that badly I get you one" I roll my eyes then suddenly he stops and seconds later picks me up and spin me around with a huge grin across his face. Oh god what have I done.

"Thank you baby" he grins then gives me a long kiss before jogging back to the van.

"Yeah just leave me here asshole" I roll my eyes as I let out a deep sigh and walk back to the van and get in next to Martin. Once everyone was in safely without distraction Mauro started driving until...

"I'm gonna get a cat!" Tobias spit it out like a proud child and Mauro suddenly steps on the breaks what makes me and Martin head butt the seats in front of us.

"You, what?" he turns around looking at the singer behind me.

"Vera said we can get a cat" Tobias points at me and Mauro raises a brow as he giving a 'really?' look.

"Look it was either that or the absolute mental breakdown of your cat" I growl as I rub my nose that I was sure it was fucking broken.

"Touché" Mauro sigs then starts the car again.

Once we got into the small town centre I was half hoping Tobias would forget about getting cat but it didn't seem possible until we walked into the store and he found the striped section. Yepp, we lost him there. While Tobias put half the fucking store into his basket me and Lilli decided to sneak off living the striped obsessed vocalist to Mauro and Martin let them deal with him.

By the time Lilli and I finished we had two baskets full of clothes and accessories. Once we successfully bought half the store we sat down outside grabbing coffee completely forgetting that the males have ever existed. As we were sitting there enjoying our coffee Mauro and Martin walked up to us with Simon, Linton and Tobias behind them. Simon grinning like an idiot, Linton looked like had just been done with life and Tobias looked like he got hit by a fucking bus with fucking leaves hanging off his leather jacket and completely soaked which means he was covered in snow.

"What the fuck happened?" I chuckle as I sip my coffee.

"While you two had the time of your life Martin and I spend half an hour chasing after Mr. Cat Lord over here because he seen a fucking cat and when we found him he was waist down in a fucking bush" Mauro growls as he massages his temple.

"AND after we successfully manage to convince Forge that there is still striped shit he haven't bought we had to save Linton from a bunch of girls who wanted to beat the shit out of him for being a perv" Martin explains while the mentioned bass player just huffs and looks away offended.

"And baldie?" I motion towards Simon who still grins like an idiot.

"He is just proud as fuck that it wasn't him who caused the trouble this time" Martin rolls his eyes.

"Well now you know how it feels when I have to baby sit these fucking sheep" I lift my cup up as a cheers but they just rolls their eyes while me and Lilli just laugh our asses off. "Tell me Tobias are you sure you got all striped stuff they had?" I smirk as I look at the 3 paper bags full off striped stuff.

"Oh shut up" he just rolls his eyes then suddenly Simon gasps and legs it. "Oh for fuck sake. So much for being the innocent" I look at the guys raising a brow as they camp down around the table.

"Don't look at us it's your turn now" Martin winks as he happily crosses his legs and lets out a satisfied sigh.

I take a deep breath then Lilli and I stand up going after Simon. Letting these loose on society is just a fucking disaster no matter what. After a nice half an hour search we finally find him in a store pretty much buying everything pineapple shit they had. Seriously what the fuck is with that man and pineapples? After successfully finding Simon and taking him back to the table we realized that now Tobias and Martin was missing. Oh for fuck sake...

Soon enough we found both of them in a record store crying over all the classics while they already bought half the fucking shop. Tobias has a thing for records and honestly I find it adorable. He can spend hours just sitting in front of the shelf looking through records. When this happens it seems like the rest of the world just cease to exist around him. He is like a little kid who just got loose in a toy store and there's just one problem with that... there's no force on earth that will fucking make him move. With him repeating "just five more minutes" after an hour I had enough and started promising him everything on goddamn earth just to make him move. So after promising him a hot bath, a massage, a home cook dinner and sex he decided to move finally until he saw a second hand shop and he was about to run off when I grabbed him by his arms and with an "I don't think so mister" I dragged him back to the table.

Once all of us were knackered out from all the fucking chasing and running around we done in these mere few hours Lilli and I decided we don't care what's going on we are leaving. Thanks fuck everyone was ready to go, so packed with bags we got in the van and started riding home. The ride home was surprisingly quiet then it hit all of us and like lighting all of us shot up "LINTON!" 

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