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The thing,street dog was licking, was nothing but the same puppy which abir saved in the morning. What an unpleasant surprise of the faith that the same puppy abir saved in the morning is dead now by same scenario i.e. car accident. This time there's no abir close to the puppy. The dogs head is totally smashed, part of skulls are still visible and the blood from the head was flowing on the street. The street dog which was licking,looked like his mother,hoping that his child might get his life again and those dogs are not barking actually the are crying mournfully.
Abir cursed god by saing... "How could be you soo cruel? What was it fault? It was just a poor helpless puppy.... Why do you have to do this thing to it??? I hate you now more than ever, i hate you."
Abir failed to gather his courage to get closer to the puppy as its dead already.

Suddenly his phone started to ring.

From another side his wife started..
"Hello! Where are you? Its late already. Tiya started to cry already asking when will you come? Have you bought all the thigs from the list???"

Abir only replied "yes" and disconnectd the phone.

Abir thought he can't do any thing right now. He did his best to save the life of the puppy early in the morning but his faith doesn't suited it after all. Death is invertible we can't change it at all. Now the best thing to do is cheer up and to buy the last item from the shopping list.
"Lets see what's the last item i have to buy now" thinking of that he open the shopping list scroll...

At the very moment abir freezed again.... As it was written...

" half kilogram chiken + half kilogram mutton"

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