Suddenly, a wave of dizziness pulls at my head, and a voice I love comes through, "Amelia?! What the hell is wrong?!"

I'm being shaken awake violently. Lucah hovers over the side of me, worry creasing his brow. I realize it's just a dream, one that really happened, but still just a dream. Lucah's hand cup my face, sending heat through my body.

"Are you okay?" His voice is softer, making me want him to just hold me.

"No." I whisper.

That's all that needs to be said, before he pushes the blanket aside, and crawls into bed with me. His arms envelop me in warmth, and his head buries itself in the crook of my neck.

At that moment, I feel nothing but happiness and relief. My worries seem to fade with every passing minute, and before I know it, I'm drifting to sleep again.


I wake to a blaring noise coming from my nightstand. I pull the phone up to my face, before turning the alarm off. Lucah has one arm draped over my waist, and the other flung on top of my head.

I giggle lightly at the predicament. Our position was a mess, just like our lives. Our lives were messy, but beautiful.

I love him with all my heart, and he loves me. I can feel it.

I get a warm tingly feeling when I'm with him, one that only he can provide. Electricity courses through me everytime we kiss, or touch. He calms me down when my life is a huge mess, and I feel like dying.

Lucah shifts next to me, before he sleepily mumbles, "I'm in love with you, beautiful."

I smile to myself, "I know."

Suddenly, my phone rings again.

I thought I turned the alarm off?

I look at the screen, realizing it's am unidentified number. I swipe the green icon, and pull it up to my face.

"Hello?" I mumble.

"Is this Ms. Moore?" A mans voice sounds.

I clear my throat, "yes. Why?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that your brother is in our intensive care. He had you labeled as his emergency contact. He was found with a gunshot wound in his torso. We aren't sure if he'll make it at this point. He hasn't woken up since the incident, and we aren't sure if he'll wake up anytime soon." He pauses, "we need you to fill out some paperwork. I'm so sorry I had to deliver you this news, b-"

"I'll be there in an hour, just keep him alive." I cut in.

I cut the call, and give Lucah a sad look, "C-Connar...h-he's been s-shot."

Lucah's face goes slack, and he jumps up. Before I know it, I had my phone and cash in my hands, and I was walking out the door. Lucah catches up to me as I run down the hall.

In the car, I don't speak. My brother has been shot. My brother's been fucking shot!

I can't believe I didn't forgive him. He gave up his pride, and told me he was sorry. I've been nothing but a bitch since I left. I could've talked to him, I could've just told him I still loved him. But instead I told him he wasn't my brother.

If he dies, it'll kill me knowing I helped.


She hasn't talked since she told me what happened. Connar was shot, and he might not make it. Honestly, if he didn't mean something to Amelia, I would not care.

"Are you ok?" I whisper into the silence.

"No. No! I'm not! He-he's my brother, Lucah! I told him I wish he weren't my brother! For all I know he could've done that to himself, or gotten into a situation like that because of what I did! He could die because of my stupidity!" She yells into the car.

"Hey! I'm not going to sit here and listen to you say it's your fault! Amelia, I'm trying to be nice, ik trying to be supportive, but I will not sit here and listen to you downgrade yourself for something out of your control! I will not let you blame yourself!" I yell.

Tears stream down her face as she says, "maybe if I wasn't such a bitch."

"Don't, Amelia. When my mom died I blamed myself, as if an eight year old could've stopped cancer. I believed she left because of me and dad. I blamed myself for dad's death, and if Connar dies, I will not let you blame yourself." I say harshly.

"I can't lose him, Lucah. I already lost everyone else, I can't lose him," She cries.

"You'll never lose me." I say confidently.

"You'll never lose me either." Her voice cracks with emotion.

I knew she needed me, and I will always be there for her, too. I love her, and if she needs me to sit and be quiet, just so she can cry over her sick minded brother, than so be it.


A/N: Hey! It's been three days since I last posted, and I have had major writers block. I've had algebra equations running forwards and backwards through my mind.

I have been knee deep in homework and choir songs, so I'm really sorry. I love all my readers, and school will be out soon, so more updates!


Anyways, love you babes!


Your Author,



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