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Hey, it's Mya again. I'm finally free again. I'm planning on staying in the cosmos and hanging out with my sisters. 

But, instead, the guard drags me inside and locks me in my room. I havn't even been out for five minutes Earth time... But you know how that works, five minutes to Venus is like five years in Earth. Eye-yie-yie...

So, I'm now locked in my room with nothing to do but sleep and practice my powers, which is against the rules. There's no windows, so who'll know unless I tell? Exactly. No one will.

 So, here I was, practicing my powers, which conveniently are fire powers, while Starr bursts inside. I thought the door was locked! Anyways, she looked like she was running like crazy. She entered the room, a burst of energy (actually, I'm not sure what it is, but something zapped her) threw her to the floor. I helped her up and as we touched, suddenly, I was thrown to the floor and Starr disappeared. I called out to her, no answer.

Mya? My voice inside my head calls. But, the voice doesn't sound like me...

Starr?  I thought to the voice, How did you get in my voice.

I don't know, but I think you  and I are... Fused. Starr answers

What?! We can't be fused! I stand up with greater trouble than normal, probably because two people are operating one body... I'm not sure.

I looked down and scanned myself. Woa, I really look like Starr and me fused together.

Why does green and white look so bad together?

Cosmo Sisters Book 2Where stories live. Discover now