"How do you know about that?" she says quietly

"I saw it on your phone" I say

She soon looks angrily at me.

"You looked through my phone?" she questions raising her voice

"Yeah! Is there anything your hiding?" I say

"Your sick" she says and storms out of the restaurant

I put down a 20 dollar bill and run after her.

"Alex! Come back here" I yell and she's getting into her car

"You might as well call a taxi!" she says and drives out of the parking lot

'Fuck!" I yell

It's partially both our fault. She didn't tell me and I looked through her phone without permission. I know she isn't hiding anything. I don't even know why I said that. I could really go for a beer right now.

I soon start walking down the road and see an irish pub and walk in. I'm only 20 but maybe I could pass for older? I sit down at the bar and a man comes up to me who I'm guessing is the bartender.

"What can I get ya?" he says

"Budlight" I say and he soon gives me a bottle


After about 3 beers my head starts to get fuzzy. I soon make some friends named

Tony and Mike. They are equally drunk as me. I soon take my phone out to see if there's any texts or missed calls. Nope. None.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Tony slurs

"Yeah" I smile

"Man, she's hot" Mike says

"That's enough about talking my girlfriend" I say

Soon a guy walks in with he looks so familiar.

"Cameron! This is my new friend Niall! Niall, this is my brother Cameron" Tony says

Cameron and I just look at each other.

"C'mon Tony, mom wants you home" Cameron says and grabs his hand

"Wait. I need Niall's number so we can hang out" Tony says

I scribble down my number and give it too him.

"Here ya go, mate" I slur


I wake up on the couch in my house with a pounding headache.

All I remember is walking into the pub.

I see my mom making coffee and soon she looks over to me.

"Jesus Christ, you were drunk off your ass last night" she snaps

"What happened?" I question

"Well! Your father and brother wanted to grab a beer together and they walk in and see you at the bar with a bottle of beer and a shot of vodka" she says and brings me coffee and advil

"Oh yeah" I mutter

"They said that you were saying "fucking Alex" and "Why didn't she fucking tell me". What happened between you guys?" my mom says

"We got into an argument. I'm going back to bed" I say and take the medicine

I soon walk into my bedroom and fall fast asleep.

Alex's POV

I walk to my last class of the day when I hear a voice call my name.

"Alex!" I hear Cameron say

"What?" I snap and turn to him

"I have to show you something" he says

"What is it?" I question a bit curious but I want to get away from him

My phone soon beeps and it's from Cameron.

"Why did you send me a text when your standing right in front of me?" I say bitterly

I open up the text message and my eyes go wide.

It's pictures of Niall at a pub drunk. There's also a video of him swearing and saying my name after the curse words. Tears soon spring my eyes.

I walk away from him and hurry to my last class which is world history. Nick and Harry are already seated at their desk. Harry sits in front of me and Nick sits next to me.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Nick says

"I fucking hate him" I mutter

"Who?" Nick asks

Soon the bell rings and the teacher starts her lesson.

After the class I rush out of school and I hear my friends calling my name but I ignore them. I get into my car and head home. When I get home I start to cry.

Why hasn't he called? Why did he get drunk? We could be resolving our problems right now but he's doing god knows what.

I decide to call him but he never answers. I just cry more and more until I find myself falling asleep.


I suddenly wake up from my phone ringing.

Incoming call from Niall

Should I answer it? I decide to. Maybe we can fight it out or we might just stay mad at each other.

"Baby, I'm sorry-" he begins to say

"You bastard!" I yell into the phone

"What?" he says

"Don't play stupid with me, Horan! Do you think it's fun getting drunk when I'm crying? Or cursing my name out in a bar! You have probably been doing god knows what" I cry into the phone

"Alex! Let me explain" he says

"There's no explaining. Bye Niall" I say and end the call

I cry a few more tears and find myself falling asleep once again.

Niall's POV

"Fuck!" I yell and slam my hand down on the kitchen counter

I soon jump into my car and zoom off to Alex's house.

Without thinking I knock on the door and her father answers.


"Niall, how can I help you?" he asks

"Is Alex here? I need to talk to her" I say quickly

"She's sleeping. Is there something going on between you two?"

"No sir" I say and rush back to my car

I decide I will sneak through Alex's window. Alex told me her dad goes to sleep early so I'll come back in 30 minutes and he won't catch me going through her window.

To past time I go to a fast food place called "Wendys" that's right down the road and grab dinner. Not very filling but I need to see Alex and it's not like I'm gonna go to some restaurant right now.

I soon make my way back to her house and see all the lights are off besides hers.

I climb the tree and open her window. I climb in and see a sad sight in front of me.

Her mascara is smeared from crying and her face is tear stained. Her face has a frown on it. She's only wearing a sports bra and fuzzy shorts. I sit down next to her and she soon stirs in her sleep. Her eyes open up and it seems as if she's stunned that I'm here.

"Get out" she says trying to be forceful

"Alex wait" I say soothingly

She soon tries to get out of bed but falls to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask with concern and I sit down on the floor and wrap my arms around her

She just looks me in the eyes and cries.

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