"She's a girl our age. Maybe a bit younger. Enid's very closed off."

We started to walk again, moving away from the Anderson's old house.

"Do you plan on going over the walls again?" Carl was referring to my earlier climb time.

"No. Last time I did, it caused a domino effect of bad stuff to happen." My head still ringed from earlier, with the screaming and with the hitting of the book on my head.

Carl had a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?"

"Um, nothing. Never mind." "My house is right here so I think I'm going to try to sleep. Good night Carl." I slightly waved and started to walk to the porch.

"Okay, just get me if you need anything." Carl said as he turned around and started for head to what I guessed his house.

A faint smile erupted onto my face but it disappeared as soon as I walked through the front door. I tried my best to walk past the living room, even though blood was still everywhere. I reached the staircase and ran up them, dashing into my shared room.

I walked over to my top part of the bed and climbed up the small ladder. I pulled off my shoes and threw them somewhere in the room and set up my bed. I put the pillow into a (desired position) and got under the (favorite color) bedsheets.

I closed my eyes, trying to subdue my headache. It didn't help much but sooner or later I started to drift into sleep. Hoping that I wouldn't be haunted by the unneeded nightmares.

3rd Point Of View

Little did (y/n) know that that was a huge mistake. Not only did she leave her only company for the entire night and leave into the house where someone just got murdered, she had welcomed dreams. And followed by dreams is always nightmares.

While (y/n) felt the horrors of nightmares, her family felt the horrors of seeing old enemies.

Thalia's Point Of View

The man started to walk closer to us by the second as he strolled through the forest. As he got closer, I started to realize who he was. Tyler.

'That son of a bitch.' I have so much hate for him that my thoughts would kill him.

He just had reached the border line of trees. He turned to his side and I heard a zipper sound and the running of a liquid.

'Oh great. He's taking a piss. Thank God that it's dark right now.'

As he finished up, he went to walk away when he heard a sound. The Kely girl had sneezed, gaining his attention.

"Hey! Boys! I heard someone sneeze! Maybe we can some fun tonight!" He roared, clearly not caring about the dead ones around them. They hooted and grabbed their weapons and started to head towards our direction.

My breath hitched in my throat as Peter came into view. He walked in front of the guys and started to walk straight towards the broken car that we are hiding behind.

"We gotta go now! On the count of three... One, two, three." He whispered as we all sprinted from behind the car and into the woods. I could hear the men chasing us from the back.

Our tiny group ran through the dense part of the woods and tried not to trip. I was running with Daryl and Glenn in front of me, Jason at my side and then Molli and Kely were close behind from what I could gather.

'Why is that Kely girl following us?'

We ran uphill, I was continually almost tripping as I tried to get to the peak of the mount. Daryl reached it first as he showed fast hand signals saying, 'Get here now!'. I reached the top a second after Jason and saw what they were now pointing at. There was a really tiny shed in the far distance.

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