"Unbelievable !! If that really happened you're a fucking legend Natie. My ex boyfriend once told me my kiss sucks sometimes. Wanna help me out?"

Elena winked at me while licking her upper lip in seduction.

"Oh baby, I would love to. Only if you were a guy. Don't wanna get nominated for best lesbian couple. Do we?" I said giving her a flying kiss. She opened her fist and gestured like she had catched it.

"Still scored one. I'll practice with it at home." Elena said teasingly.

"Hahahah shut up, it's making me sick now. Oh right that party is after two days. I hope i get better by that time. I feel like my fever is getting worse." I said while feeling up my forehead's temperature.

"Oh no. You sure looked a little pale in the morning. Go home and take medicine. Please don't get sick you are extremely mean when you've fever." Ashley pouted while putting her chin in the cup of her hands.

"Haha don't worry. I'll be fine. I've to go now. Jason is waiting outside." I said after checking a message from my brother.

"Okay. Rest well sister and don't forget to take medicine." Victoria spoke lovingly. I have great friends I thought.

"Yeah, I will. Bye. Love you all. Don't miss me much. I hate hiccups." I said standing up and waving a hand at them.

They all laughed at that. I started walking towards the gate when I saw 'Him' again and my smile turned into a frown. Suddenly the event from earlier flashed before my eyes. God! What's his problem? Why is he continuously getting on my nerves? So irritating!! I hope he doesn't cross my way again otherwise I'll plan his assassination myself. Jerk face. Huh!! Then I walked outside.


Next morning, I was all feverish as expected. I hate fevers and specially medicines. I texted my friends that I won't be able to come today then slept again. Again when I opened my eyes I saw dad sitting on a chair near my bed.

"Dad? Why are you still awake? Go to sleep it's 10 Pm." I said while trying to sit up which was not a good idea because my whole body was on fire and I was suffering from severe body aches.

"Sweetie,  lie back down. You haven't eaten anything all day. Katherine is bringing some food. Eat it then you have to take your medicine." Dad spoke while feeling up my forehead being worried.

"Okay dad... but I won't take medicine specially that syrup you guys force me to take. It's so bitter...ewww."

I said while pouting and the thought of that syrup going down my stomach made me shiver a little. Since my childhood every time I got sick our family doctor prescribed that syrup twice a day. Miraculously even after setting foot into adulthood, everytime I had a fever that syrup helped me getting better in less than 2 days. My family loved that piece of crap to death so I had to go through the torture every time.

"Haha my baby. But you have to take that I don't want to see you all sick in bed. I only have one daughter."

"Haha wow dad, again emotional blackmailing."

"That's my love, my baby girl." Dad said and kissed my forehead.

"Thank God, you're up Natalie! You have to eat this bowl of soup. I'll feed you."

Mom entered my room and after setting the table, hugged me like I was on a death bed. But I loved it. Who hates their parents affection? Only some ungreatful soul in Uzbekistan.
Mom made me sit on my back and started feeding me the soup while dad was on bed now on my right side supporting my slump body.

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