Chapter Five

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It's been far too long don't ya think

A distant clap of thunder could be heard in the distance as dark clouds rolled over and let a torrent of water fall from the sky. You stood and wept. Your tears mingled with the rainwater and ran down your face. Behind you, you felt a presence slowly getting closer until you felt two hands wrap around your shoulders and guide you away from the closed door in front of you.

You stumbled along a few paces until you came to your senses and shook yourself from the grip.

"This is all your fault," you snarled while turning to face him. You went strike him in the jaw but he caught your fist, a dangerous glint in his scarlet eyes.

"Don't forget who saved your life today," he said leaning in so his lips were next to your ear, "and can so easily take it again," he whispered.

A chill ran up your spine. Every fibre of your being was telling you to run from the man before you yet you stayed, stationary, as his grip on your wrist tightened and pain started to sear up your arm.

Overcome with both mental and physical pain, you collapsed into Lawless's chest and allowed sobs to wrack through your body. He instantly released his grip on your wrist, maybe out of shock, maybe out of something else. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around your back so that you could nestle you face into his shoulder and muffle your sobs so that you could calm down.

After a minute or so the sobs began to wrack your body with less vigor as you began to calm down and get on top of your emotions.

"Methinks we should start to head to my humble abode," Lawless said in a much lighter tone to the one in which he had previously used.

You looked up into his face and he flashed a white smile. His teeth were quite human like apart from the elongated canines you had noticed in the corners of his mouth.

You nodded and he untangled his arms from your back then linked his right with your left and began to skip away. After a bit of stumbling, where he was dragging you along, you managed to skip in time with him. You smiled as the two of you merrily skipped down the street, trying to push what had just happened between you and your mother out of your head.

Maybe starting a new life without her wouldn't be so bad.

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