The man had gray hair, and he looks to be in his sixtys. He had on a little hat, and a button up shirt. He delivers me to the gym in minutes, and I hand him a twenty, before hopping out and running to the door.

I push through, and I'm greeted with an empty gym. Quiet noises come from the back of the gym. I push through an unlocked door, and gawk at what I see.

Lucah stands at a punching bag, throwing his fists hard at certain angles. Sweat shines on his back, and his hair wetly dangles in front of his eyes. I wait till the man on the phone counts a hundred punches.

The man's hair is coal black, and it's whipped into a buzz cut. He's short, but he looks like he can take anyone down. I would hate to be on his bad side. He looks around forty or forty-five.

When he reaches a hundred, he tells Lucah to start over again.

"Harder, Lucah! Hit it like you hate it! What is wrong with you today?! Hit the damn bag!" He shouts, sounding angry.

His brown eyes skim over me, "you Amelia?" He pokes.

"Uh, y-yes sir." I stumble, he's very intimidating.

"You can go talk to him now, the kid needs a break." He groans.

I make my way over, acknowledging Lucah's muscles on the way over. Ok, maybe I was staring in awe, not acknowledging.

"Lucah?" I say unsure.

He turns to see me, his eyes lighting with surprise, "hey, Amelia."

He grabs the punching bag, pulling it to a stop. His hands are wrapped in a white, strong looking cloth. He towers over me, making me feel tiny next to him. His gray eyes find mine, staring at me closely.

I had no idea he boxes, it amazed me. It made me wonder if that's where he went when he wasn't with me.

"I didn't know you box." I blurt stupidly.

He laughs a little, "well, where else would I be when I'm not here?"

"I always though you were with Sheila, or before he passed, visiting with your dad." I feel stupid for saying anything.

I should've guessed from the medals that sit in his room. I guess I never took interest in them. But I could see it now, him standing there in a pair of boxing shorts, muscles tense, eyes fixated on his opponent.

"I should've told you, I'm sorry." He apologizes.

I shake my head, "don't worry about it. It's nothing you should apologize for."

He moves over to me, and places his forehead on mine, "so forgiving."



Amelia walks with me to the gym now. I used to take my car, but now that it isn't such a boring walk, I'm glad.

The night she found out I box, I thought she would go crazy on me, but she didn't. She actually didn't mind, she was just generally worried about me.

She was sitting in a chair, watching me. I smile at her by mistake.

"Boy, get your head right, or I'll send the pretty lady to the other room." Georgie snaps.

"Sorry, G." I say respectfully.

Amelia stands up, and goes to the bathroom. I quit boxing for a minute, and take a break. Georgie watches me quietly.

"I like her, Lucah. I like her a lot." He pauses, "don't let her go, son."

And with that, he throws me the keys, giving me the job of locking up. Georgie was a friend of my dad's. We would come up here once a week, so my dad could work out. Finally, when I turned fourteen, my dad let me start boxing. It changed my life, it made me healthy, it took pain away from my mom's death, and it gave me away stress reliever.

Amelia comes back, and stands right in front of me. I lean down and kiss her on the mouth, and she smiles. God, I love that smile.

"I love you." I say against her lips.

"I love you, too." And with that, I head back to work.


I heard the shower running when I stepped through the apartment. I had run to get groceries, and Amelia stayed home.

I knocked on the door of the bathroom, and Amelia's voice came out, "yeah?"

"You ok?" I yell through the door.

"Yes," She yells back.

About ten minutes later, she steps out of the bathroom. Her hair falls down her back, not dry. The shirt she's wearing is mine, and it comes down to her thighs. She looked irresistible, but I was going to have to resist.

Unless she decided otherwise.

One thing raced through my mind at that point, though.

She was beautiful, and she was mine.


A/N: So, Lucah's a boxer.

I'm having so much fun with this book!!! But I have a surprise!

I'm working on something rn, and I hope you guys love it! It won't be posted for awhile, but that's ok!

Love you guys.

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