2. The New World

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So "Royal Pain" is featured in C.B.Y Book Club as the book of the month. Its an interview on me. So check it out on their wattpad page   http://www.wattpad.com/17356369-c-b-y-book-club-book-of-the-month-botm

OR their blog page http://cbybookclub.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/botm-royal-pain.html 
it is also on the external link on the side of this page.

And with this feature you can also enter the scavenger hunt and win a prize. For all of you fans it will be a simple task of answering ten questions about my book "Royal Pain". Put yourself to the test. How well do you know my book?

Check it out here at  http://cbybookclub.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/royal-pain-scavenger-hunt.html

Whoever wins the scavenger questions will be the lucky person who gets me to read their book and comment. 

Please remember to VOTE for "Embracing Pain"  I promise more is to come. I'm not done telling the story of Deva.

Here's the link to vote. It will be under the vampire category http://www.wattpad.com/wattys/showcase


Deva began to stir as she tried to pull out of her restless sleep. She forced her eyes open even though it hurt to do so. She took in the site of the bed covers surrounding her and tried to remember how she got there but nothing came to mind. She had no idea how she got into the comfortable bed she was now lying in. She turned her head to the side and saw a man staring at her in amusement. She didn't flinch back or show any fear. She just stared back at the familiar features. The dark grey-blue eyes were now searching into hers as if trying to intimidate. His face looked like the same strong jaw line, sharp nose, nice luscious lips but there was something different in the way he was looking at her. 

He stood up from the chair across the room and went to sit on the side of the bed. She felt the bed dip as his face came into view. He was right above her and with him up close she could tell he was not the same man from last night.

He didn't say anything only stared at her face.
"Who are you?" She finally asked because the curiosity was really getting to her.

"You don't remember last night?" The same velvet deep voice responded.

"I do and I've never seen you before."

"Why would you say that?" He studied her face, not believing her statement. He was playing with her and she knew it.

"The man I met yesterday was named Marcus. The man sitting in front of me now may look exactly like him but he is not the same man."

The Marcus look-a-like smirked and his eyes caressed her with fascination. "Clever girl." He responded crossing his big arms over his muscular chest. Deva couldn't believe how alike they were, in size and everything. But she was good with faces so she knew something was off.
"I'm Darius, Marcus' brother."
Deva finally pushed up and leaned against the headboard. She stared back into Darius' eyes and also crossed her arms over her chest. "Alright Darius, do you mind explaining why I am here?"

He smiled and Deva also noticed it curving more to the left side of his face compared to Marcus' smile. "All will be explained this morning. For now get washed up and ready. There will be a girl by the name of Amy that will take you to the study room where all your questions will be answered."

She wanted so badly to demand him to just tell her knew but for some reason she knew he wouldn't tell her. She nodded her head in acknowledgment.

 He stood up and walked to the door but stopped. "By the way you have a roommate who is in the bathroom now."

Royal Pain (Book One)***Complete***Where stories live. Discover now