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Sam woke up with a start, as the Impala drove over a particularly large pot hole in the road. He shuffled in his seat boosting himself up from his slouching position. The movement caught Dean's eye and he turned to acknowledge Sam had awakened.

"Where..?" Sam began rubbing his face with his palm. Dean gave a tired smile. 100 clicks out of Franklin, Idaho he answered looking back at Sam before focusing his attention back to the road ahead. He Absents mindedly taped his hand on the wheel to a classic rock song playing on the car stereo. There was silence for a while before Sam struck up another conversation.

"Look, this job." he began, Dean nodded letting Sam know that even though he wasn't looking at him he was still listening.

"This job," Dean repeated waiting from Sam to continue with whatever theory he had devised.

"Three sets of different parents murdered in beds." He tapped the police report he had in his hands.

"So?" Dean shrugged. "Could just be a sicko, nothing supernatural about that."

Sam took a breath, ready to explain. "Yeah, but get this." He began as he crossed one leg over one another in the tiny space of the car, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear he dived into a detailed explanation. "Doesn't sound like much, but I did some research before we arrived in town."

Dean rolled his eye. "Of course you did, lay it on me Sammy." Sam licked his lips.

"You see all of them had kids and in the police reports, it stated all the kids talked to a clown before it happened. One of the kids said" Sam shuffled through the file looking for the quote before he looked at Dean with a raised eyebrow "'the clown ate my daddy', ring a bell?"

'"A Rakshasa, like the one in Medford ?"

"Yeah, I believe so."

"Damn it!" Dean groaned hitting his palm on the wheel, "Evil sons of bitches"

"Yeah, at least we know how to kill it, the things hate brass."

"Yeah, stab it with a brass knife and bye bye chuckles the clown." He said with determination as he pushed the accelerator.

Only it wasn't that easy;

Sam and Dean crept into the layer of the Raksha in the basement of an old video store, it smelled stale and musty, both immediately wrinkled their nose. as the crept sams foot accidentally kicked a metal pipe, it made a metallic clanging sound against the concrete of the basement. Sam froze; letting out a hiss, immediately both were flung in opposite directions by an invisible, supernatural force, Sam into a pile of cardboard boxes, Dean was not so lucky, he landed on his back on the hard floor, groaning before rolling on his side to spit out some blood.

the evil monster then appeared from the shadows, horrific teeth, and sharp talons ready to fight. Sam jumped up, weapon in hand, he nimbly dodged swipes as Dean tried to regain his balance

everything happened too fast, in a second the monster flipped Sam over pinning him to the wall, its talons gripped around his neck. he gasped out desperate to get some air as his airway constricted to almost nothing,

""Dean!" he managed choked as he fought weakly in the Raksha's clutches, Dean heard his brothers cry and spun around to see Sam pinned against the wall, he ignored the pain on his side. Picking up a discarded knife he charged at the thing. It threw him, once again he landed painfully on his side; the grip on Sam's neck grew tighter, Dean wouldn't let Sam get hurt; his big brother instincts took over and he saw red.

He took the knife in his hand and while it was distracted took another jab, clipping it in the side. the monster howled and dropped its grip on Sam, and he slid gracelessly to the floor. Gasping and rubbing his neck, Eyes wide while he watched Dean fight it on his own, marveling at his quick feet and combat skill, he was most defiantly the best hunter he had ever seen. Dean struggled, trying to get a stab at the thing, but it was stronger than the one they fought before. Sam didn't even see it happen but he heard his brothers gasp of pain, and Sam lifted his head just in time to see the monster shrivel to dust, and Dean Collapse onto the floor and knife clatter to the ground.

So long and goodnight, winchester  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now