The Visit

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Rachel's pov

I know what it seems like. It seems like I am just using her to get close to Luke. St first that's how it was. But then she said she doesn't wanna be friends so I thought writing the letter would give me a chance to talk to her. I realize now that it was a stupid idea and I should have never done it. But I did and now I have to pay the price. I have to deal with the guilt and heart break that she might be dead soon. I refuse to accept that without getting to say good bye.

When Gigi, Luke, Parker and I got on the road, I began thinking about all the rude things I have done to her. I am a monster. She was just trying to be nice to everyone. But I made it hard for her to be nice to me. If she wakes up, I'm gonna make sure she knows she is loved. Even by me. And I know that's gonna be hard for her to believe. I mean I haven't exactly given her many reasons to trust me. I really hope she finds it in her huge, loving heart to forgive me.

When we got to the hospital, I walked into the room. I saw her laying there. I busted out crying and walked out. I couldn't do it. Luke saw me and ran after me. He finally caught up to me. "Are you okay?" He asked, and for the first time in a very long time, he sounded concerned for me.

"I can't do it. It's all my fault she got mad at you and if that wouldn't have happened, THIS wouldn't have happened. I don't know what to do now." I cry harder, and Luke pulls me in for a hug.

"Don't worry, Rachel. It's not your fault. You didn't make me call her and you didn't make her answer. You didn't cause any of this."

"But you wouldn't have had to call her so bad if she weren't mad at you. I made her mad at you. I wrote that letter. I practically caused the crash to happen." I said.

"It's not your fault. Stop saying it is. I promise you it's not." He said. His voice was so calming. It made me like him even more than I already do. This stupid crush may have caused someone who means a lot to him to die, and I can't accept that. "Just promise me one thing." He said.

"What is it?"

"Go back in there and tell her how you feel. It'll probably mean the world to her to know that even you care about her right now."

"Luke, I can't-"

"Do it for Lauren."

Well I have to do it now. It's the least I can do. Especially after all the stuff I did to .her. I walked back in to the room. I saw her laying there and I fought the urge to cry. I pulled the chair up to the side of her bed. "Hey. It's me. I am so sorry this is happening to you. It's all my fault and I feel horrible about everything I ever did to you. I feel bad about the letter. I feel bad about the first day back to school. Everything. I have been nothing but a jerk and I know I really don't deserve it but I really hope we can be friends if you make it through this. God. Please make it. I can't live with myself knowing I did this to you. Especially if you die. Please."

"It's not you're fault" I heard a voice say. I look up and Lauren has her eyes open.

"Oh my god." I smile.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me, kind of croaking.

"I wanted to come see you. I couldn't live knowing I didn't come."

"Okay. But can you get me some water?" She asked.

"Of course. And I'll get Luke and the rest of them."

"Just get Luke. I really need to talk to him." She said.


I walked out. I walked into the cafeteria. I saw Luke and he stood up.

"Hey how did it go?" He asked.

"I think you should go see for yourself. But go alone." I said.

"That can't be good. Okay I'll go." He walked off.

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