Quietly Loving You

58 1 7

For schntgai , enjoy!
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"Lieutenant Amorim." Doctor McCoy said warmly, walking into med bay. He'd always appreciated her help.

"Hey, Bones." She returned, giving him a smile. She turned back to the DNA samples she'd been classifying. Bones peered over her shoulder to glance over her work.

"You're good." He said. He sounded pleased. "Might put me out of a job."

"I don't think so." Amorim said, smiling. They turned as the med bay doors slid open, revealing Spock standing there politely. He nodded tersely.


"Spock." McCoy nodded back.

"I came down here to check on the progress of Lieutenant Amorim." He turned to Amorim, expecting an answer, but the woman had turned back to her DNA samples, so Spock couldn't see her red cheeks.

"Lieutenant." Spock said carefully. When there was still no answer, Bones tapped Amorim on the shoulder. She had no choice but to turn around.

"Yes?" She said, nearly inaudible.

"Your training. How is it going?" Spock repeated. Amorim studied the floor, making sure not to look into his curious eyes.

"Fine." Amorim whispered. McCoy took over from there.

"Well, more than fine. I was just telling Lieutenant Amorim that she'll replace me if I'm not careful." He said. He looked back at the DNA. "Well," he said, more for Amorim than anything, "We should get back. Thanks for coming to check up on us." He said tersely. Spock was still staring at Amorim.

"You're welcome." He said, his jet-black eyebrows furrowed in subtle confusion. Without dwelling on it, he turned and quickly made his way back to the bridge. While she wouldn't dare look at him before, he felt her eyes follow him out the door.

When he was gone, Bones turned to Amorim, who was still blushing.

"What the hell was that about?" He asked, not unkindly.

"Nothing." Amorim said. "Just...nothing." She turned back to her samples. McCoy started to head towards the bridge as well.

"I'll be back." He said. He got a distracted nod from Amorim.


Heading for Jim, sitting in the Captain's chair, Bones discreetly handed him an Earth 10-dollar bill.

"What's this?" Jim sounded smug.

"You won the bet." McCoy said discreetly into Jim's ear. He was aware of Spock's eyes on them. "She barely said two words."

Jim gave a smile. "I knew it." He said. He turned to McCoy. "Bones, we need to get those two in a room together."

Bones gave a coy smile, feeling Spock's dark eyes on his back. He suspected something, that was for sure. But there was no way he suspected this.

"Doesn't that one elevator have some...wiring problems?" he murmured.

"It does get stuck sometimes." Kirk said, catching on right away.

"It would be a shame if it were to get stuck...let's say, tomorrow?"

"Even more of a shame if Spock and Lieutenant Amorim were in it."


"Spock, bring Lieutenant Amorim to the bridge, please." Kirk turned and ordered the blue-clad Vulcan. As expected, Spock walked away primly. McCoy couldn't help but grinning as he did. Looking over from her station, Uhura smirked.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked.

"We..." McCoy hesitated, then told her. "We're trapping Amorim and Spock in the elevator together."

"You're what?" Pretty soon, McCoy and Kirk were surrounded by Sulu, Uhura, Chekov and the rest of the bridge. They were all making bets on what would happen.


"Lieutenant Amorim." Spock said, standing just inside the elevator. Amorim glanced up, but wouldn't look at him.

"Captain Kirk needs you."

"Why?" Amorim asked quietly.

"I'm not sure." Spock admitted. "Hurry, please." He said, as Amorim joined him in the small space. He pressed the button, and the doors closed. Spock looked carefully at Amorim, finally breaking his silence.

"Lieutenant." He started, his voice curious. "Your temperature seems to be raised. Are you well?"

Amorim blushed dark red, but nodded. Spock turned away from her, studying the doors of the elevator. He had noticed an odd hum coming from the machinery, but he ignored it. He was studying Amorim's small form in the reflection of the metal. She was staring at him, unaware of what he was doing.

Suddenly, the elevator stuttered and stopped. The lights flickered and went out.

"Um..." For once, Spock was lost for words. "Lieutenant...I believe we are stuck."

Amorim was silent.

"You're not going to say a word?" He asked, half incredulous.

~Two Hours Later~

Spock stood against the wall, his military stance becoming more formal by the second. Amorim had already settled in, sitting in the corner. She still hadn't said much of anything.

In the bridge, McCoy just lost a bet. He cursed. "Two damn hours. She hasn't said anything?"

Finally, irritated and frankly feeling out of his depth, Spock turned to Amorim.

"Lieutenant. Will you please stop staring."

Now, and only now, Amorim gave an actual answer. "I wasn't."

"You have been. For two hours." Spock argued. He sat next to her. "Every time I walk into a room with you, Lieutenant, you refuse to acknowledge me." He said, treading carefully. "Are you angry at me?"

"No." She said, surprised. "Never."

"Then what have I done to you?"

"Nothing." She said. She could feel his brown-black eyes trying to meet hers. Finally, she stared into them.

"You...Spock. You'll find this silly and...and emotional." She sighed, looking away.

"Talking to you embarrasses me. I'm always afraid —" she scoffed. "Afraid I'll say something wrong."

"Why would you think that?" He was so clueless, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Why would I?" She asked, almost as a question to him. After a moment of silence, he looked at her, seeming to understand.

"Oh. Amorim —"

"I know it's emotional. And so you can't ever feel that. I just...I like you. And it matters to me."

"Amorim —"

"Sorry." She apologized, standing up. Again, she wouldn't meet his eyes. Spock followed suit, stepping close to her.

"Let me finish, please." He said. His hands were suddenly on her arms, his lips on hers in a hesitant, but not unwilling kiss. She kissed him back, startled. They were so distracted they didn't feel the elevator start to move again.

Back on the bridge, Sulu collected his money.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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