"Please do come in Bailey and Kenneth. I need to talk to you for a minute." So we swung the door open and enter the room. "Uhm excuse me miss Leano but I would really love to talk to them alone." I feel so relaxed as she gets out of the room and closes it leaving only me, Bailey, and Principal Hufflepuff.

"What is it you need principal Hufflepuff?" Bailey asked while I just look at the floor not thinking about speaking or anything.

"Well, I'm here to ask you Ms. Sok if Mr. San Jose is doing good inside the class---"

"I'm doing great principal Hufflepuff. You don't need to be worried about me----"

"To tell you honestly principal Hufflepuff, he is not doing his home works or even his projects--" I pinched her waist making her look at me angrily.

"I see." Said principal Hufflepuff. Then he walks toward his chair and seated as he scans something. I tilted my head and saw that it was the class record of our adviser. I closed my eyes and trying to think about what might happen next......
"Your grades are bad Mr. Taylor and I cannot guarantee you that you can graduate with these grades. No projects, no assignments, never participated in any activities in your Music, Arts, and P.E class or any school fairs, sometimes sleeping or don't listen at all so cannot raise his hands to recite. Well never been absent or cut classes but this is not enough to make your grades higher."

"I'm sorry. I'm just....... I don't...... I-----"

"Do you want to graduate Mr. San Jose?" I look at principal Hufflepuff and I nod my head. Because I want to graduate.
"Then you should help yourself starting tomorrow."

Then Bailey raised her hand a sign for asking a question. "Principal Hufflepuff, why'd you call me here anyway if you're here to talk to Kenneth about him slacking?" She asked.

"Oh shut up miss goody old brain!" I told her but she just rolled her eyes and then principal Hufflepuff smiles.

"I called you here because you will be helping Mr. San Jose to get some high grades."

"Wait. What do you mean?" Bailey asked. Don't tell meeeee.

"You need to tutor him from now on and help him with the activities in school. I'm hoping there will be changes next week."

"No. This can't be. This can't be. This can't b---"

"Will you shut your freaking mouth, Kenneth? You're making my headache!" Bailey shouted.

"You could've just told principal Hufflepuff that tutoring me is not important because you're busy with everything? Right?"

"That's not easy Kenneth. You know I just can't say NO to principal Hufflepuff." She defended. I sat on the bench facing the field. Bailey sat on the other side of the bench not even saying a word.

"Principal Hufflepuff, I don't need a tutor. I could just shortly approach Sean to help me with my studies." I said.

"Well, MrLew is a very busy student. Tutoring 5 students for 3 straight hours is enough for him every day. And adding yourself into his problem would not be a good idea. And besides, Bailey is free. She could help you for a bit even just these two remaining exams and the national achievement test. Bailey can totally help you."

"But----" Bailey was cut off when Mr. Hufflepuff finished his sentence.

"Isn't it right miss Sok?" And Bailey looked at me and I shook my head. But then---

"I will help him, principal Hufflepuff."

"Then, it's settled. You may now go. No more questions asked."

I looked at Bailey and she's looking back at me.  This is bad.

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