Chapter 6 Biana

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"The actual hand?" Elwin finished, I nodded,"Well, I was planning on waiting till after the effects of the Elixar wore off-"

"I want it on now," I said quickly. "please," I added for good measure.

"It's going to feel, uncomfortable." Elwin said after fishing for the right choice of words.

"Better now then never," I shrugged, trying to act confident but fear was kicking in.

I felt my heart leap to my throat and every pulsing beat felt like it was going to choke me. Elwin lifted up the piece of metal carefully as though it was an infant and twisted it into the metal disk. I felt a second of searing pain.

I looked down at the vibrant magenta swirls and flowers. It looked not young but sophisticated almost. It wasn't like princess flowers, it was more detailed.

The weight though, was something I'd have to get used to. It felt weird, and I tried to move my fingers.

I let out a squeal as it moved quickly. My hand eye coordination would probably improve now that I had this thing.

I laughed as I realized it was harmless.

"Thanks Elwin," I smiled looking up at him.

He had the same lopsided grin, "Anytime Kiddo."

I walked out of the room happily, and ran outside. I felt like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. Yes, the metal was strange and cold and uncomfortable, but I was getting closer to being the normal Biana again.

"Bi?" I heard a voice call out softly and I froze.

Turning around slowly I saw Fitz staring at me, my mother no where to be seen.

"Hey Fitz," I said awkwardly.

He walked towards me and gave me a hug, "You are so brave, you know that?"

"I'm not really that brave," I mumbled.

"No, you are! Whoever says you're not is a jealous liar!" Fitz said.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"Oh! She's looking for you inside," Fitz trailed off.

We both looked at each other with matching smiles, "RACE YOU!" We exclaimed at the same time.

I sprinted across the grass, jumping over shrubs here and there. I was not gong to be defeated.

I was not going to be defeated.

I was defeated.

"There you are! Lets see it!" My mom smiled.

I lifted up the metal arm awkwardly.

"Oh my! Did Elwin make this? It's extraordinary!"

"No, Dex did," I said fighting off a blush.

Mom raised an eyebrow but I ignored her questioning look.

"Hey can Fitz and I go shopping?" I asked.

She hesitated before answering, "I guess it'd be okay but-"

"Good thanks!" I interrupted grabbing Fitz's elbow and pulling out my path finder, leaping away before she could say another word. 

"We're going shopping?" Fitz groaned.

"Yes! But only for a few things, and they aren't for me," I said quickly.

Fitz froze in his tracks, making me jerk back.

"You are shopping...for other elves?" He sputtered astonished.

I rolled my eyes, "I shop for other elves!"

"Only if mom forces you too!" Fitz said crossing his arms.

I ignored him.

"So you're a guy right?" I asked twisting my hair nervously.

"I'm pretty sure," Fitz said looking down at his body.

I rolled my eyes, "Look. I wanted to buy something for-"

"Who's the guy?" Fitz asked, eyes narrowing.

I hesitated before sighing, "Dex Dizznee."


Anyway, this has nothing to do with KotLC *Shocking I know* but when I was leaviing school today it was so hot and humid my friend shouted 'HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! IT'S HOT OUT HERE!' and this girl turned around infront of us and was like 'Are you okay' and we started laughing.

Anyway SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER!!! We had major standardized testing this week and I was reading Divergent and Insurgent AND THEY ARE AWESOME!!! I LOVE VERONICA ROTH!!! Don't worry Keeper is always my #1




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