Chapter 1: Worthless with A Destiny

Beginne am Anfang

While the commotion was taking place I stood with my head held high, nervous as hell and ready to take on this new life. As I'm ready to stand up I feel a hand touch my shoulder and squeeze it, the firmness sending shivers down my spine. I quickly jump from my chair and spin around as I look down to see a boy and a girl sitting beside each other. The boy has his hand extended to where my shoulder once was.

His hair was silver with a tint of shine too it, his eyes being the same color. His clothes were a bit tattered and worn, yet it didn't look as if it were cheap. His skin looked as pale as a ghosts, it's actually quite creepy. The girl, on the other hand, has beautiful and short blue hair. Her eyes are a deep purple with tints of navy blue in them, the colors are quite a unique sight for me. Her skin looked naturally white, the slight tan over her skin hiding the true nature of it from my naked eyes.

            "Yo! You looked nervous so I thought I'd shake you up a bit. Sorry if I startled you, I just wanted to make sure you were good," He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

            "H-Huh? Ohh it's not a big deal, I was just deep in thought. But why exactly are you worried about me? It's not like we know each other," I said still a bit nervous as I notice the girl completely uninterested in what's going on, while reading a book.

            "My name is Kyosuke, and this is Mahiru. We've been besties since grade school, and when we found out we were both Ascenders we decided to go here together!" Kyosuke said as he smiled wide, Mahiru sighing beside him. I stare at them for a few seconds wondering how these two opposites ever become friends, but I quickly disregard it. "So, nervous one, what's your name?"

            "Me? My name is Suzuka. Suzuka Senkokuboushi, but you can just call me Suzuka."

            "Hmmm... How about Suzu! That's quite a good nickname, isn't it, Mahiru?"

            "Ehh, it has to many syllabi. I'll call you Suz."

            "Then I'll call you... yeah, I have to say I still like Suzu better. You have a bad taste in names, Mahu."

            Mahiru looked at Kyosuke with a sinister gaze as she smirked "Hey, Kyosuke, who gave you permission to give me a nickname?"

            "W-Well we were all getting along so well, I thought-" he said as she quickly closed her book with power. She moves her body from her chair, being much curvier then I had first seen, as she walks to Kyosuke. She leans over to his ear and whispers something I cannot hear, but I do see it in Kyosuke's face. As Mahiru speaks to him I can see his face turn into a deep red blush, before suddenly filling with horror and dread as she backs off of him, smiling happily with her eyes closed.

            "Understand, Kyosuke~?"

            "Y-Yes ma'am," Kyosuke says as he forces a smile in my direction. I smile back to reassure him, I think it's better if I never know the words that were just exchanged. I take a quick look around to see that the majority of the people in the gymnasium had disappeared, us three being one of the last ones. I smile softly as I look at the two new people I have met.

            "Kyosuke, Mahiru, we should get going to our testing areas. Hopefully we will be in the same class," I say softly as they both look in my direction.

            "Ohh snap you're right. I hope that we are in the same class as well, Suzu."

            "If it means escaping this idiot, I'll gladly be in your class, Suz."

            "That's mean!"

            He says this as I begin to laugh softly, I can't really remember the last time I laughed like this. If I had to take a guess, I'd say it was around high school time that I could laugh like this. It may have just recently ended for me but it already feels like it was many years ago.

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