Authors Note

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As you guys can tell your plea for faster updates has been heard, and since this story is getting much more active attention than my others I've been giving it to you! I tried to do two big updates so that I could at least let you meet Zeke for the first time, however, they will NOT continue to be this quick. Unfortunately, since school is coming to an end this next month I have to deal with AP exams, finals, finishing my 10-page term paper, and sadly attempting to boost up some of my grades. But this news is bittersweet! I'm hoping to do much more updates in the summer (depending on how hectic it will be) and I will definitely try to sneak one more shorter update in before Finals. So be patient and focus on your own studies for the next month and keep commenting and voting because that's how I decide which stories I spend more time on! Thanks so much for being so active because the support I'm getting on this story feels great!

Valko-ZekeWhere stories live. Discover now