Chapter 12

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Lucas's P.O.V

When she fell asleep I don't know why but I couldn't look away from her. She is so beautiful. The way she scrunches her nose. The way she is so loving. The way she smiles. The way she graves my shirt when she sleeps, and she is just really really pretty. Right now i'm like just looking at her lose in thoughts.

"Why you staring at her?" my mom said as she walked in.

"IDK just thinking." I say and sit up but not all the way to where Madison don't wake up.

"Oh but I came in here to see if you wanted me to take Jack." she said and Jack raised his head to his name.

"No he's good and Madison will want to see him in the morning." I said.

"Ok, just seeing." she said as she walked out.

After that I cuddled up to Madison. With the touch of her I fell asleep.


Madison's P.O.V

I'm showing a little know that a month has passed. me and Lucas are going to the doctors today but it's just a check up. Right now i'm in the bathroom get changed because I don't want Lucas to see my bump yet and he is not a person that can notice stuff quickly. I walk out and he looks at me and smiles.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Ya." I said and smiled because he was so sweet.

"Ok, let's go then." he said walking up to me and tried to lift up my shirt.

I slapped his and and jumped back.

"Why can't I see her?" he said.

"How do you know it's going to be a girl?" I asked him.

"IDK, I just really want a girl." he admitted looking kind of embarrassed.

"Oh well I always want a girl to." I admitted "Let's get going."

He graved my hand and lead us to the car. I told Addie that she didn't have to go to this one. When we got to the kitchen I seen Jack and called him over he has got a lot bigger and darker fur. (This is actually Cameron Dallas's dog lol.Jaxx)

"We are leaving ok we are checking up on your sister or brother ok

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"We are leaving ok we are checking up on your sister or brother ok." I told him even though he is a dog. He barked in response.

"OK, we got to go or we are going to be late." Lucas complained.

"I know, I know, I know." I said getting annoyed by him.

"Stop fighting it's annoying." Jim said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Ok bye Jim." I said walking off.

Lucas's P.O.V

Idk why she won't let me see the bump i'm going to see it when it get bigger.

"What was that about?" my dad asked after Madison stormed out.

"I really don't know. Maybe the hormones." I said.

"Hahahahaha ya I remember when your mom was pregnant with you!" he said.

"Ya, cool got to go." I said.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Madison won't let me see how big she i and I really want to." I tell him.

"Just wait for her to show you maybe she thinks it makes her look fat and ugly and dont want you to see." he said.

"Ya ok." I said and walked out.

Madison's P.O.V

While Lucas was still in there I called brown eyes.

"Hey Green eyes how you doing." he asked

"Great...ummm can we meet up at starbucks around 3?" I asked.

"Ya that would be great!" he exclaimed.

"Ok bye ttyl." i said.

"Bye ttyl" he said.

When I hung up Lucas got in the car.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Brown eyes and we are going to Starbucks at 3 ok." I told him.

"Ok." he said.


"Madison I got to ask you something." Lucas said

"Ya?" I asked

He took a deep breath and looked at me then looked at the road.


HAHAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger well do you like this chapter. like always have a good day or night Xoxo Josie

P.S sorry GracieAdams2 but cliffhanger and I ain't giving you a sneak peek for the next chapter. lol bye :) ;P

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