Chapter 33: Lost

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Uni and Rex are not dead. I can feel it. They must have found a spell to get inside Corys dreams and not let him wake up until they left. I need to talk to them. And if i do go Cory is going with me. No matter how crazy it sounds. I am gonna go. " Hey Cory you want to go on a trip with me? It will take a couple days but do ya?" I said. " Sure!" " Good go pack you bags and make sure you bring weapons." I said as he walked off .
Why do you want to talk to us?
uhg now he is in my head.
"Because you are crazy and taking things the wrong way!"
No that's where you are taking things the wrong way. We don't have a family Tommy!! You do and so does Cory!
" Than go find a family!"
No one would want a guy who where's a mask and a one eyed freak.
" Well than there you go. Now leave us alone. But i am still coming to see you."
I guess there is no stopping you than. But just so your aware just because your here does not mean i won't hurt you or Cory.
" That won't happen."
What ever you say.
That's when i felt him leave my mind.


" Sir!! Set up traps. They won't suspect. a thing."


We have been walking for a couple hours. But i was so tired. I had been shadow jumping ahead. And now i was super tired. I could barely walk. " Cory?" I fell over. I can not take another step. That's when i felt myself being lifted up. And when i looked Tommy was carrying me. " Tommy you don't have to." I said. " I know but i want to." Tommy said. " Okay." I said.
5 Hours later
I woke up on a blanket in a tent. We must have stopped for the night. I did not even know i fell asleep! I walked out of my tent to see Uni and Rex taking Tommy. WHAT DO I DO?!! I am still tired! I can't really use my powers!!! I walked out of my tent and prepared for impact. " Uni? What are you doing?" I asked. His head shot up and looked at me. He walked over to me and i though we were just gonna talk. That's when he hit me right in the Jaw. " There's no Tommy to stop me! Your weak! Perfect time!" He said. " No Uni stop!" I yelled scooting away. I got up and ran. Stumbling as i did. I had a plan. They were both running after me and left Tommy at the camp. I am risking my life nuts it's worth it. I was gonna get lost in the woods. Leading them away from Tommy. I ran making sharp turns and running as far from camp as possible. " Your gonna get losttt!!" Rex yelled. I know. It's worth it though. Right?


I woke up in the middle of camp. I went to go see if Cory had woken up. But.He.Was.Not.In.His.Tent. Oh no! " CORY!!!!!!" i yelled. That's when i noticed to footprints. I followed them. They seemed to go forever.


I had to keep going. I had to. I could never be far enough. I am sorry Tommy. I am sorry Adam. I failed you. Here i am running lost in the woods. I might die or just get lost. I was crying and running.

That was a year ago.

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