Chapter 8 *Fooled us all Before*

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Tori's pov

" McCall and Stilinski, grab the long sticks. You're covering goal for two-on-ones. Let's go! Line it up!"Coach said than stiles and Scott grabbed the long sticks

"Valentine your first"Coach said

"Ok. , Scott Remember I live with you"I said he nodded

I grabbed the ball and run to them but they both knock me down
I lay down on the ground in pain

"Scott your an ass"I said than stand up
"You too"I said pointing at stiles than walked stand next to coach

Stiles and Scott start knocking down the player

And now it's Liam's turn he run and he passed them and he scored

"What the hell"I said

" That's how you do it! That's how it's done! "Coach yelled

"That was luck!"malia Yelled I turn around

"Come on"I whisper

" Do-over! "She yelled

"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is a practice"Coach said

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles"malia yells

"I'll take that action. Hey! Get back in there, Liam"Coach said

Than Liam grabbed the ball he run he passed stiles but he didn't pass Scott
Scott knocked him down pretty hard

Liam he fall on the ground, I think his leg is broken

We run I him

"Dont move , don't touch him"Coach yelled. Liam stand up

"I'm okay, Coach. I'm all right. Ahhh! I think it's my leg."Liam said
Scott and stiles Helped him

" I think we better get him to the nurse. "Stiles said than they left

"Start running!"Coach yelled than the player start running I stood there

"Valentine run!"He yelled

"I am done for today , I have to o visit my mom"I said

"Ok"He said than I left

I went to visit my mom
Until it was dark

"Bye mom see you tomorrow"I said than I kissed my hand and put it on the stone than removed it and left
I was walking home since I don't have a car

I was walking than suddenly a car came and parked next to me

"Go away before I do something you will regret"I said than I turn around to look and it was Derek

"Do what?"He asked I laughed

"Sorry I thought you a drunk dude that want to rape me"I said laughing

"What are you following me or something"I asked

"No actually I was driving by and I saw you walking alone"He said

"I was visiting my mom"I said

"I never told you this but I knew your mom "He said I smiled

"Really? How?"I asked

"She and my mother used to be friends your Mother helped my mother alot"He said

"That amazing really"I said

"Yeah , so where are you going?"He asked

"I was going home"I said

"Come On let me five you a ride"He said

"Ok"I said I get inside his car and he drive away

"Thank you for the ride creepy"I said with a smile

"You are Welcome"He said than I get out of the car and he drive away

I enter the House and there was Scott and stiles

"Was that Derek?"Scott asked

"Yeah"I said

"He drive you home why?"stiles asked
"He saw me walking alone so he gave me a ride"I said

"So you and Derek friends Now?"Scott asked

"Yeah I guess"I said

"Why are you guys looking a mess"I asked

"Scott bit Liam"Stiles said

"What?"I said

"I was trying to save him"Scott said

"Where is he now?"I asked

"He ran away"Scott said

"Oh my god"I said

"We will fix it"Scott said

"You mean you will fix it"Stiles said

"And I am going to sleep"I said than went to my room

Next day it's school

Me and Lydia sitting next to each other in class
I looked at her laptop
"There are your math notes?"I asked than she nodded

"Well I am good at math but I dont understand any of this"I said

"Um, some of them are my notes. The rest I think might actually be a code."She said

"But you don't remember writing it?"I asked

"Not in the slightest. But considering my drawing of a tree led us to the Nemeton, I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us. "She said

"Lydia you are a Banshee so that mean this is something Have to do with death"I said

"I think it's a variation on something called the Vigènere Cipher."She said

"Do you know how to crack it?"I asked

"With a key. "She said than her mom came holding a key

" Remember the rules. No more than six people allowed in the lake house. Stay out of the wine. And if anything gets broken, it's getting added to your credit card debt."She said

" Fine. "Lydia said

"And lock up the basement. From all the scratch marks I found on the walls, it looked like a pack of wild animals got down there "She said than left us
Lydia looked at me Than I looked at her

"Malia"I said

We have a pack Meeting

" I'm not sharing my basement"Malia said

"Its not your basement actually it's Lydia's"I said

"And by the way my mom noticed how you tore it up last time"Lydia said

"All right , she still learning"stiles said

"You mean sucking"I said she looked at me with anger

"But, we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them. "Scott said

" But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us? "Kira said

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little b*st*rd and throw him in the lake. "Stiles said

" I'm in."malia said

"We are not gonna kill him he's a little kid"I said

" Then let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him"Lydia said

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman? "Stiles asked

" No, I'm done with teenage boys. But, if we're playing a trick on someone, we'll have to use the one who fooled us all remember"Lydia said

"Who?"I asked than Scott and stiles and Lydia looked at me

"Oh no are you kidding me"I said

"You fooled us when you worked with the alphas"Scott said

"Fine!"I said

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