Chapter 30: Reactions

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( Before i start this chapter i will be writing the other stories as well i just have been really into writing this book😜)

1 Week later


" DAD!!!! Adam is on his way home!!!" I yelled at my dad. " And just as i said that i herd a noise. I went to the mirror to see Everybody. " Heyyyyyy guys." I said. " Cory.... What did you do?" Tommy said. " Oh nothing." i said. " But Adam can i talk to you?" I asked. " Sure." He said. I pulled him into my room. " Adam. I found someone in our house. We know him though. Or at least i do. I need to see if you know him though, Or at least remember him." I said. " You can come out."


No. It can't be real. He is dead. " Cory? Your tricking me. He died. This is not him." I said. " No. Adam, It's me." He said. I ran to him and embraced him in a hug. I started to cry. " Missed you soo much." I said. " I am sorry i ran away." I said. " Son it's okay. I will never be mad at you." He said. And apparently the others herd and walked in. " Mr. John?!?" Nick and Tommy yelled. " Yes hello." He said. " I need some air." Cory said.


I did not trust Cory when he said that. So i followed him and i saw him sit on the edge of the mountain. Than he got up and went to the mirror. He went through the mirror to the other house and i followed. He did not notice me yet. Than he walked out of the old house to the front yard. " I miss this place." He said. The house was not as it used to be. It was torn apart, It was blown to Shreds there was still parts left. Including the book case, That was in perfect condition. Cory started crying. I walked up to him. And hugged him. I startled him but he fell into the hug and continued to cry. That's when we herd a sound in the forest. Me and Cory both jumped up getting ready to fight whatever was there. That's when we herd " I knew they were not dead!!" Than Cory blacked out. And so did i.

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