Chapter thirteen

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     Katie watched Zec walk out of the door. "Hero, Zec left." Katie said, panic sinking in. "We need to wait for them. There they are. Guys! We gotta go!" Hero yelled to their friends who were talking to a producer. They walked over together. "What's up? Did you guys like the show?" Sam asked, as she ruffled her hair, getting small knots out. "Loved it. Zec just left, we need to go." Katie said quickly, looking at Sam. "Lets go." Sam said as they all started towards the door together. "We need to rive to another parking lot, across the street and then follow him." Lilith said as they walked to the car. Zec was walking down the street by himself, at a rather fast pace. They all piled into the car, Hero yet again driving. "Get your weapons, take anything that will slow you down off. Gloves off." Hero instructed, mainly to Katie who had no clue what to do. Katie took the gloves off of her sweaty hands and rubbed them together, as she usually did when she was scared or nervous. Sam already had her whip wrapped up her arm, making it look like a killer bracelet. Sam passed Julian his katana, which was in a black case with a dark green strap, to him since he was in the front seat beside Hero. "Katie, you can't turn in heels. Take them off." Sam said as she handed Katie her hatchet. Katie took the hatchet and set it on her lap as she took her white heels off. "Is everyone ready?" Hero asked ass she strapped her knife glove onto her right hand. "Lets go." Julian said as he opened the door and exited the car, his katana fastened to his back. Everyone got out of the car and started walking, trailing behind Zec. Clueless Zec.

     Katie walked and her bare feet slapped agents the sidewalk, making a noise, while the rest of the group walked in utter silence not making one sound. Katie knew she was falling behind, but she had a feeling no one cared. "Katie, come on!" Sam yelled as she started running. Katie ran after her, wondering why they were running. The six friends made a sharp turn, into an alleyway. They all stopped since a brick wall was blocking any freedom. Pressed agents the wall was Zec, his  chest rising at rapped speed from running. "What do you want?" Zec asked, fear in his shaking voice. "I want a million dollars and for my hair to never fade." Sam said with a smirk at her sarcasm. "Your part of the Slain. I'm not bad." Zec said, almost begging. "Slain?" Katie asked confused on what he had called them. "It's what you killers are known as. Slain, since you kill people!" Zec yelled at Katie. "We kill monsters, the creations of Eris." Nick snapped, obviously not liking being called a killer. "I ain't no monster." Zec said shaking his head, making his dreads swing. "You're a werewolf, Eris, her chaotic blood, is running in your veins. So yees you are a monster." Julian said, in a matter-of-fact voice. "Sooner or later that  chaotic blood will run wild, making you a killer. Be happy we're ending you before that happened." Lilith said her voice as sharp as a knife. "Don't make me hurt you." Zec growled his nails growing and sharpening. Katie jumped back, scaring a stray cat. "You won't be hurting us. Just don't fight back, it'll be quick." Sam said in a calming, but terrifying voice.  Zec shook his head again, his eyes glowing a bright yellow, with flicks of black in them. "I'll fight if I have to." Zec growled as he jumped, and turned into a black wolf. Sam yanked her whip off of her arm making it fly up. Everyone had their weapons free now, an arrow was locked into Lilith's bow, Julian had his katana out of it's holder, Nick's throwing stars were in between his fingers shining in the moon light, Blake's nunchuks where in his grip as he let the last two fall by his side, Hero had her right arm up in front of her chest the sharp blade turned towards Zec. Katie hurried and put her hatchet up, trying to look as badass as her friends. Zec snarled at them and started slowly waling, his back arched showing his spine movement.

     Lilith let the bows string go, letting the arrow fly towards Zec. Zec jumped out of the way, right before the arrow would have pierced his side. Zec jumped up and knocked Lilith to the side causing her arrows to spill out of the quiver. Lilith stood up quickly and started collecting her arrows. Sam snapped her whip forward and hit Zec on his front right leg, making him yelp. Growling, Zec ran forward and swung his paw at Sam. A sharp object flew through the air and sunk itself into the wolfs side. A howl broke into the night. Zec fell to the ground, but quickly got up. "Stay down!" Sam hissed at him as she snapped her whip agents the ground. The five friends joined Sam and stood around the whimpering wolf. Katie could smell blood from the wound, a dizzy feeling took over her body and she sunk down to the ground. Zec slashed his paw, aiming for Hero. Hitting her on her stomach, Hero flew and hit a wall, making a loud crashing noise. "Hero!" Blake yelled as he looked at his friend. Hero's eyes were shut as she laid crumped on the alleyway floor. "We were going to kill you fast. But you've hurt Hero, now you are going to die. Slow and painfully." Julian growled as he slicked his katana in the air.  Everyone nodded in agreement, and Katie knew what was about to happen. Torture. "People will hear my screams." Zec said, in human form now. "No, they'll hear an animal in pain. And no one will care." Sam hissed with a smirk as she snapped her whip agents his leg. Causing an agonizing scream. Katie, being taken over by sickness, shut her eyes. Even though she could not see, she could hear it all. The snap of Sam's whip, the beat of Lilith letting her arrows go, the swish of Julian and his katana, the chains on Blake's nunchucks, Nick throwing his stars at Zec. The most haunting noise though, was the screams and whimpers coming from Zec.

     "Hero, we need to stop them." Katie moaned as she forced her eyes open, keeping them off of the bloody scene. Katie looked at Hero, who was still laying on the ground asleep. Katie saw blood on her pale stomach, her fingers stained by it, and deep slashes embedded her. The blade on her glove was red and shimmering agents the moons light. Katie crawled her way to Hero and looked at her. Her lips had paled and started going blue, the red in her cheek had flushed. She looked like a corpse. Katie touched her friends wrist, and felt for a pulse. A soft pulse was still beating, Hero was alive. Letting out a relived breath, Katie looked for something to stop the bleeding with. The noises of torture still rang in the silence. Katie took the bottom of Hero's dress and attempted to tear some off. Remembering her hatchet Katie sliced through  the material. Picking up the, now rag, dress cloth, Katie pressed it to Hero's wound, getting blood on her hands. The smell of blood filled her nose, and Katie gaged. Blood was never something Katie could handle, and this was to much. Katie threw up. A disgusting smell, an awful taste, and terrifying noises. Katie felt like she was in hell. Drawing her shaking hands back, Katie attempted to call for Sam, but only made a noise. Katie's hands slipped from Hero and onto the ground in front of her, keeping her upright. Letting her tangled and blood covered hair fall into her face, tears rounding the brims of her eyes. The noises stopped, the torture was over. Zec was dead. "Hero! We need to get to the academy, fast." Lilith's voice rose into the night. Footsteps were heard coming towards them. Katie could not bare it any longer, she allowed herself to pass out.  

     Katie woke to rustling and a bright white light. Tilting her head, she saw Hero. Resting in a bed, her chest rising and falling. Sighing in relief, Katie tried to sit up, only to find pain. "Ow." Katie groaned holding her side. "You're awake." Said a voice she knew to well. Sam. "What happened?" Katie asked once all of the friends were by her bed. "You passed out. Fell on Hero's knife." Sam said her voice hallow. "Where are we? A hospital?" Katie asked, already knowing what the answer would be. "No the infirmary at the academy." Nick said running a hand through his hair. "Is Hero okay?" Katie asked, her eyes on Hero's form. "Yeah, no thanks to you." Julian said. He always found a way to blame Katie for something. "Julian, don't. She didn't know what to do." Sam said in a stern voice. "We're all scared for Hero. We don't want to lose her, not like David." Lilith said quietly looking at her hands. "You both had been asleep for the past three days." Sam said trying to get the topic off of their dead friend David. "You need food." Nick said. Before anyone could volunteer to go get food for her, Blake got up and left,  without uttering a word. "Her hasn't talked since we got back. He's scared." Sam said watching his blue hair as he left. "He'll bring Athena also, she'll want to see you." Nick said his hand resting on Sam's. "Also, visitors day has been moved to next weekend. Athena doesn't want parents here raising hell about Hero and you getting hurt." Sam said twirling her thumbs. Katie had been excited for visitors day, and seeing her parents. Silence swept over the room quickly. The sounds Zec made still rang in Katie's ears, and should could hardly look at her friends without being scared. These people were capable of killing, and not batting an eyelash over it.

     The infirmary door swung open, and Athena hurried in. Blake came in behind her, carrying a tray of food. "Miss. Blake, how are you feeling dear?" Athena asked, her blood color painted lips were in a straight line. "I'm fine ma'am." Katie lied, she felt dizzy and still scared from that night. "I am glad to hear that. I have been worried that you had gone into a coma over shock." Athena said her voice low. Katie said nothing, she had nothing to say to that comment. "Would you all please leave me and Katie?" Athena asked the five friends who were still circled around her bed. Without them saying a word, they all stood up and left. Blake left the tray of food on a nightstand by her bed, which Athena picked up and put on her lap. "Now to warn you, this soup has medicine in which causes it to taste like cat pee." Athena said as Katie slowly lifted a soup full to her mouth. Athena had been right, the soup tasted awful, but Katie ate just wanting something in her stomach. "Now Katie tell me what happened that night. The only other time that group has hand a bad injury," Athena started, softening her last words, "Was David. So, I need to know what happened." Athena finished her voice still soft. Katie swallowed the mouthful of cat pee tasting soup she had, and thought about the last night she remembered. She remembered the sounds of torture and pain, the smell of blood and throw up, and the taste, which was far worse than the soup. Katie nodded, and started telling in full detail what happened that night, her eyes full of tears.

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