This is Home 2- Simbar

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I wake up briefly confused. I had forgotten. I moved. To an apartment. With my boyfriend. Who is currently still asleep right next to me.

Sleepy Simón is a beautiful view, really. Better than the scenery of our balcony. He looks like a literal puppy. Body spread out everywhere, one arm gripped loosely across my waist, the other above his head, and his legs are weirdly placed. His hair is super scruffed up. Not to mention the fact that he's shirtless, with only his grey sweatpants on. With the face of an angel sleeping peacefully on a cloud. Again, a beautiful view.

I try to come up with a clever way to wake him up. Slip out quietly and make him breakfast. Tickle a feather on his nose. Pour cold water all over him. I decide against all of those. I mean I'm a cruel person, but not to Simón.

I go for a romantic gesture. I begin to leave kisses all over. From this forehead to his jaw, down the neck and chest, and back up again. He begins to stir as I'm kissing him. He fully awakens almost immediately as he realizes what I'm doing. He gives a really sexy sleepy smirk. "Well good morning love." He chuckles at me and I stop. I giggle at him. "Good morning sleepy head". I stick my tongue out at him playfully for a second, only for him to kiss me.

He decides to return the gesture and leaves kisses all over me. Along my jaw down my neck and collarbone and back up. He leaves several kisses on my face before returning to my lips. He takes my face in his hands and strokes my cheeks with his thumbs. We pull away after what seems like forever, and look into each other, breathless.

"Thank you for the wake up call, love." Simón breathes to me in a soft whisper, and winks while booping my nose with his finger. Gosh he's adorable. I faintly blush. "Any time love."

He rolls over to check the time on his phone on the nightstand. 9:52 A.M. He clicks it shut and rolls back facing me again. He pecks me lightly, a wide smirk growing on his face. "Last one to the kitchen has to make the coffee." He immediately pushes the blankets off of him and makes a beeline toward the kitchen. I don't miss a beat and follow immediately behind him, rolling my eyes. Obviously he beats me, since our bedroom is right next to the kitchen. He leans against the counter with folded arms and a mischievous grin of victory.

I stand in front of him and playfully swat him. "Jerk." I pout at him, sticking my bottom lip out. He tilts his head adoringly. "Is someone upset?" I nod fake sadly, like a little girl trying to get what she wants, which I technically am. He smirks once again, it's usually never good. "I know what will make you feel better." His fingers wiggle in front of my face and instantly Simón is tickling the hell out of me. Gosh dammit for being so ticklish.

I'm laughing so uncontrollably hard, wrestling with all of my might to get out of his grasp, but he's too strong. He tickles my sides and arms, I'm too weak under the tickles. The moment he lets go for the briefest second, I sprint away. Not making it far, I land on the couch, being overpowered with even more tickles. Tears are coming out of my eyes and I'm nearly about to pee.

"Simón stop please please please! I'm begging you!" He lowers his face closer to mine and stops. "What's the magic word?" He asks politely. I'm trying to regain breath. I breathe out as fast as I can just in case I'm attacked even more, "Please? I love you? Tacos? I don't know?" He lets go defeated. "It was actually Enchiladas, but I'll take those." I roll my eyes far back at his answer.

I regain most of my breath and sit upright in the couch. Simón is crouched in front of me, his hands clasped around mine. "I'm sorry I tortured you, love. How about I make both coffee and breakfast? Will that be better?" He's too sweet. "It's okay. I'll make coffee, it's no problem. As long as you cook, because we both know I'd burn this place down." He chuckles at my remark and kisses my hands. He pulls me off from the couch. "Let's get to work then."


Simón makes a breakfast casserole I recognize from those Tasty videos I see on Facebook all the time. And it tastes as just as it looks. Egg, English muffin, sausage and peppers, it was delicious.

We decide to have our coffee out on our balcony and look at the view outside. It's a gorgeous spring Sunday morning in Buenos Aires. Busy streets of vas, children down below playing fútbol, the downtown shopping centers in full swing. We sip our coffee in silence for a few moments, just taking everything in. It's a picture perfect moment. In my own place with the love of my life beside me having coffee right next to me looking over my home city. Nothing could be more perfect that that.

Simón looks over at me pulling me out of trance. "How do you like it so far?" Simón asks curiously. "Honestly I couldn't picture anything better. It's a dream." I reach over the table and grab his hand, running my thumb over his knuckles. I return the question, "how do you like it?" He shrugs. I think it's perfect. I wouldn't change a thing."

From the other side of the balcony, from our new neighbors side struts over the wall divider and perches itself there. It looks straight at Simón and hisses in the most witch like way I've ever seen and runs away. I double over laughing so hard. "It just- looked- only at you- and-" I can't finish my sentence because I'm dying of laughter. He looks down, a bit of red coming from his ears. "I'd maybe change that," he says jokingly bitter. I regain breath again. Wow I've lost a lot of air today, and it's not even noon yet.

I walk over to his chair and sit on his lap, caressing his cheeks. "I'm sorry I teased you. We're even now." I bury my face in his neck and he rubs my back. We sit like that for a few minutes, until I get an idea. "Can we get a dog?" He widens his eyes, slightly taken aback by my question. I bat my eyes adoringly, trying to make the little girl trick work. "Well I don't know, considering that encounter I just had I may not like the idea of a pet anymore." I pout at his response. But I knew how to solve this. I smirk at him for once. "We could have a baby. I really want one." I plead at him, only as a joke. I'm for sure not ready for kids. And he is far less prepared.

His eyes go as big as baseballs. Nodding rapidly no. "Absolutely not. Not for another few years." I swat his chest playfully. "Well then can we get a puppy? Pleeeeeeease?," I turn to a more serious voice, "It's either a puppy, or there will be a surprise choose wisely."

I can see the panic in this face and I can hear his heart beat rapidly. I chuckle and bury my head back in his neck.
He tilts my head up and gives me a gentle kiss. "Fine we can have a puppy. We'll go tomorrow." I squeal and hug him.

"Just no surprises please." I hear the strain in his voice. "No surprises........ At least no intentional ones."

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