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+Biana was just sitting in her room after dinner, trying to finish her homework and help Keefe out while he was freaking out over Sophie, when her older brother, Fitz, walked in, and plopped down in her desk chair, his head in his hands.  She closed her imparter quickly. "What's-" she was about to ask him what was wrong until he interrupted her.

"Sophie doesn't like me."

"What?" She was very confused. Sophie had told her-multiple times-that she liked Fitz, and she was fairly sure that nothing had changed.

Fitz reiterated, "She said that she doesn't like anyone."

"In what context?"

"I asked her."

She was getting frustrated at his short, meaningless answers. "Oh my gosh, it's like I have to dissect the information out of your head! What happened before that?"

"I was asking why Marella was acting so weird around me today, and she said that she liked me, then asked if I liked anyone." Fitz rubbing his neck, stressed.

"Fitz." She closed her eyes, she didn't have time for this melodrama.


"She likes you."

"But she said-"

Biana cut him off, "I know what she said, but she didn't mean it. She was just scared that you don't like her back, that's all."

"How can you be so sure that she likes me?"

"She's been telling me she does for the past, I don't know, FOUR YEARS."

"That's how long I've known her."


She put her face in her hands in misery as realization dawned on her oblivious brother.

"She has liked me that long?"

Biana wanted to scream. "I'm sorry, but can I finish my homework now?"


"Multispecial studies."

"Oh okay, sorry to interupt, but thanks!" Smiling, Fitz left, a little hop in his step, closing the door behind him.

She sat up with a sigh, smiling a little, and opened her imparter. 'I'm sorry', she typed, 'Fitz needed advice.'

'It's no problem, I was scared you had just left, but I understand why you had to do it.' Keefe replied, and she smiled. Even if he liked her best friend, Keefe always seemed to make Biana's heart skip a beat.

'So what do you plan to do about Sophie and Fitz?'

'I... I don't know. I was thinking about confessing to her, but I don't know if that's such a good idea. They're happy together... or... in cognitively or whatever. I don't want to mess that up.'

'Maybe you should confess anyways to, you know, get it off your chest?' Biana knew for a fact that Sophie would turn him down. She liked Fitz way too much, and respected Biana's crush on Keefe.

Honestly, she could almost hear Keefe sigh disappointedly across the TIM, aka, typed imparter message. 'I can't, I don't think I can stand being rejected by her. I don't think I can let my image of her be ruined.'

'You could write a note to her."

'She'd just show it to Fitz, and he might go all hulk-protective of me, keeping me from seeing her ever again.' This was true.

'She's a telepath with a photographic memory, she'll just show him the memory of you confessing anyways.'

'Maybe I should just, you know, not confess?' Keefe suggested.

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