"Hey Jack! Haaappy birthday!" Mark said energetically right after Sean accepted the call, he laughed.

"Thanks Mark. Yeh don't have to make a big deal outa it though," He said "But I guess I do appreciate it."

"Ah what are friends for mi amigo? And how's (y/n)?" Mark asked. Sean informed Mark about you being sort of homeless a few days ago, Mark seemed to understand completely and was actually really generous about it as well when Sean told him you would stay at his house.

"I'm doing fine Mark, nice to see you." You said coming into the camera's view. Mark smiled and waved.

"What did you give Jack for his birthday (y/n)?" Mark asked, you slumped down. You couldn't get Sean anything without money except for a burned breakfast.

"Well it's not like I could afford anything.." You said.

"It's okay (y/n) I don't need anything anyways." Sean said, you smiled halfheartedly, the fact that he didn't need anything didn't lessen your desire to get him something however.

"Well I wasn't saying you needed to buy him anything.." Mark said, raising his eyebrows. In an instant both you and Sean stared at Mark with a death glare, causing Mark to burst out laughing.

"Geez guys I was just teasing! Your response was funny though, you two were in exact unison." He said chuckling. As much as you wanted Mark to be your friend you knew there was no way to avoid his teasing, which you found humorous sometimes but for some reason this subject seemed to bug you more than normal.

"But (y/n) you have to admit, Jack is pretty hot." Mark said, wiggling his eyebrows more.

"Oh gosh Mark please just shut up!" You said, you felt your face heat up and you refused to even glance at Sean, who was silent. Mark started to laugh again and it took all your willpower not to laugh alongside of Mark, his laugh was so unique it made you want to laugh yourself.

"Okay I'm done with all the teasing. Anyways Jack happy birthday, I hope you have a great day! Spend some time with (y/n) okay?" He said, he seemed to be trying to hold his own giggles.

"Mark I have work." Sean said monotonous.

"Okay Jack, talk later." Mark responded.

"Yeah, bye." Sean said ending the call. He sighed and sat back in his seat, your eyes wandered towards Sean for a second, somehow his messy hair seemed cuter to you, you quickly turned your glance and avoided eye contact.

"So.. I uh, have to record, sorry (y/n), I'm only recordin' once and uploadin' once today though so I might have more time later to hang out." Sean said. You shrugged, still avoiding his gaze.

"Okay, sounds good."

☽ ☆ ☾

All day while Sean was recording you couldn't keep your mind off of the conversation you had with Mark. You tried to recall Sean's reaction, he had been so quiet but you were too scared to see his face. Of course I don't like Sean like that, I was just nervous because I don't want him thinking I like him right? You tried to convince yourself of this all morning into the afternoon. Sean got done uploading and recording past lunch, so he had a whole afternoon to himself for the rest of the day. However, after he had finished recording, you couldn't find him anywhere. He wasn't in his recording room, so you assumed he had already sent Robin the files to edit. He wasn't down the stairs or near the gaming consoles, the only place you hadn't looked was his room. You ventured there and were going to knock on the door, but you heard movement inside so you quietly opened the door without permission. You peeked inside, it was a cozy small room, you had never been in there before. For a moment you couldn't see Sean, but you found him eventually on the other side of the bed, facing the wall. You didn't want to startle him, so you quietly walked into the room. He seemed to be looking at a sort of poster picture, a perfect image of him and Signe. At the sight of him looking at the picture with such longing made your heart ache, he missed her still, and you knew it.

Then Sean did something unexpected, he ripped it off the wall and crumpled the paper up, throwing it behind him. You stared at him incredulously as he unfolded another paper, a photo of him on the panel with Mark and Felix and you. Your heart started to warm up in some way, he was replacing the one part of his life that he loved so dearly with the friends he'd been so loyal to, something you'd admired about his personality.

"(Y/n) yeh don't have to be so secretive that your here, I heard the door yeh know." Sean said without turning around. Your heart leaped in your chest for a second before you slowly made your way to him.

"You miss her a lot don't you." You said quietly next to him now. He looked at you and nodded, his light crystal blue eyes held a mix of emotions that you yourself had felt for so long, heartbreak, sadness, insecurity, anxiety, and the list extends. When you felt those you had always wished for someone to lean on, or to hug you. It was ridiculous, the idea of you longing for a hug, which you were convinced that you hated, but maybe you hadn't all along. You new right now that was exactly what Sean needed, so you leaned in to hug him, but Sean caught you and you couldn't finish your task, instead now he held your arms and your face was closer to his face than it had ever been. In a moment like this you didn't know how to react, should you pull away? No, a part of you was comfortable with this.

"(Y/n), I may miss her, but I don't love her anymore, at least not like that. No, that's over, it's done. I've stopped dwelling on the past, now it's time to live in the present. I did need someone to lean on, I was sure it'd be Mark or Felix, but no, you came along. You, a normal fan, happened to comment on my channel, I happened to reply. If you hadn't done that I would still be stuck on Signe, because I wouldn't have someone to replace that one void spot in my heart." He said, your face heated up so much you thought you'd burst.

"I-I.. did I, wha-" You stuttered, you couldn't say anything else, you froze and let his words run over you. I wouldn't have someone to replace that one void spot in my heart. Had he had feelings for you? Is that what he meant? You meant to question his meaning before he leaned in, and before your mind could comprehend anything for that split second of shock he was there, and he was kissing you. You never felt this sense of affection before, it was a simple kiss that lasted a few seconds, but your heart was roaring in your ears for the whole thing. After you two broke apart Sean's eyes no longer held those sad feelings but replaced with a complete contented look of compassion. You realized you had been holding your breath and you slowly exhaled.

"(y/n), you replaced that one void spot in my heart. It was weird, and sorry if yeh weren't, uh, expectin' that or somethin' but all the sudden I just felt-well, I dunno.." He said, a goofy grin started to consume his face as he scratched the back of his neck. You felt your face heat up more, and you couldn't help but smile too.

"It's fine. No, it's more than fine, it's better than fine." You said "Gosh I sound cheesy, but can you let me hug you now?" You asked, Sean chuckled.

"'Course." He said, you leaned in to hug him, you felt the warmth of the hug even more as he wrapped his arms around you in a full embrace. For the moment you forgot about the comments, you forgot about the past week, you were finally done living in the past.

"Happy birthday, Sean."

The Reply (JackSepticEye x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now