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Author:  This is the introduction so there will be no commentary from the characters until the next chapter.

                       My life. My life. My life is so bad that there is no way to explain it except to start from the beginning when I was first born my mom thought that I was a boy everything that I owned was red, blue,and green. Anyways after I started playing baseball I met my best friend Micah and our parents got to be good friends so we saw each other a lot more after that. Through out elementary school my mom started drinking and started getting abusive and the girls at school would make fun of my marks but Micah would always be by my side.

                      But of course I could not tell him where I got my marks from.  And my my just said that I was very clumsy. So that became my excuse also. The night that it started was the night after my moms graduation, I walked away from her went to my room and went to sleep but about five minuted later my mom came into my room and started hitting me. But hey this story is about my teen years and how crazy they were.

Rock Bottomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें