09| toxic

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'danger is real, but fear is a choice.'

    SHE DIDN'T feel safe

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    SHE DIDN'T feel safe. Even under her shield crafted of blankets, she knew she wasn't protected. Last night's events fluttered in her mind and Faye found herself running her hands on her cheeks, touching the tear stained skin. The shadows from the depths of her room darted between the streams on morning sun, scrutinizing her every move. Darkness clouded her thoughts, pushing away all the good thoughts and replacing them with the memories of the monsters she had seen last night. 

  "Faye! Breakfast!" The voice pushed away her thoughts as Faye pushed herself off the battered mattress and forced herself out of her room. The hallway closed in on her, making her gasp for breath. When she blinked, the walls were at their normal state. She gripped the railing and trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen, her footsteps growing louder as the floor transitioned from carpet to tile.

  "Good morning!" Her mother exclaimed, taking a sip of coffee. The blonde's eyes darted to the kitchen table to find her dad reading the newspaper while eating a bowl of cereal.

 "I'm not hungry," Faye lied, trying to hide the grumbles her stomach produced. Her mother frowned and placed her coffee down and ambled over to her daughter.

 "Are you not feeling well?" Abigail placed a hand of Faye's forehead. Faye chewed on the thought, wondering if she could get away with lying. She didn't like lying to her parents, but if it meant she got to stay home, then she would gladly do it.

 "She seems fine, Abigail," Her father said. "She's not coughing, sniffling or throwing up. She's probably just tired."

    Faye rolled her knuckles into the palm of her hand, squeezing them until they turned pink. Her mother exhaled a warm breath, the air tickling Faye's face. She slipped her hand off Faye's warm forehead and pulled her into a hug. "I know you don't like the new school, but I promise you that it will get better," she murmured, tucking a piece of Faye's hair behind her hear. "I promise."

     The blonde attempted to gulp the invisible block lodged in her throat. Pain consumed her lower jaw, making it feel heavy. Her knees wobbled as she turned around and walked up the stairs, stifling her sad hiccups. Distress burned into her skin, the forest fire of horror trailing up her arms and sparked down the curves of her spine. She attempted to breathe, but the air was dense like smoke, and it only made her struggle more.

    Faye crossed her arms over her abdomen as she slumped into the bathroom, her ice cold eyes flickering to the mirror. "Get over it," she hissed to the girl in the reflection. Even with the powerful words, she still felt weak.  Her feet anchored to the ground as she tried to move. Her body used every ounce of strength to keep her in her place and collapse, but Faye fought against the internal need. She hesitantly collected the power inside her and shuffled out of the bathroom, her feet sliding on the carpet.

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