•Drake x Herobrine• {1/2}

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This is just the beginning...



She lay on the floor of her cell in the castle.




He sat alone in the room lit only by a single redstone torch. For no reason. It was just his idea of fun.

The mage takes a glance at his elf friend and recognizes her bad state. He then looks up at the motionless eyes staring back at him.

"I can see your concern, Drake," he says. "I'm willing to let her go but only if you GIVE. IT. UP!"
he raises his voice.

"Give it up?" Drake asks curiously.

"Yes. Give it up. You'll never save him." He starts. "And If you do," he motions towards Mia. "I'll let you go."

"I won't," Drake mumbles.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I won't give up on trying to save him", He raises his voice.

"Then I guess I'll have to keep you close," he snaps his fingers and Mia disappears.


This took me way longer then I thought.
I couldn't think of anything.

"The Haunted" ships/one shots {extremely slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now