A Freashman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 9

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"Get out now!" he yelled.

I quickly got off of Travis and got out the car.

He smiled at me and looked at my dad as he drove away.

I buttoned my shirt and mentally preparing myself for my father's lector on the birds and the bees.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the house and slammed the door.

"Gloria!" he called for my mom.

"Yes, Robert?" she asked coming out of their room.

"Your daughter with in the backseat of a car with some boy"

"Dad, I was in the driver's seat and nothing happen,"

"But what could have happened?"

"Nothing," I rolled my eyes.

"You're a little girl, you don't need that kind of...stuff happening"

I looked at me mom.

"What happened?" she asked giving me a sly smile.

"Nothing!" I said as my dad said "Don't listen to her rubbish,"

"She was on top of him with her shirt open kissing him,"

"Ugh, dad"

"Robert, if she said nothing happen then nothing happen. Good night everyone,"

I headed up stairs and into my room.

I took another shower and went to my bed.


Today I forgot all about Fin and his stupidness. All I could think about was Travis.

I let my guard down, letting him prank me.

Today was not a good day.

He stole my books, my homework, soaked my book bag, stole my gym clothes, made me late for class and stole my phone and deleted all my contacts like I did to him.

Currently I was at gym wearing his smelly over sized clothes.

After gym I ran to the girls' locker room to change into my clothes and they weren't there.

"Ugh! That asshole!" I yelled kicking the bench.

I spread my perfume all over me hoping to hide the smell.

I walked upstairs in hope of bumping into Fin.

And I saw him alright, making out with some black haired chick.

"Excuse me," I said walking up to them.

Fin opened his eye and looked at me.

He continued to kiss her and stare at me. It was like he knew it bothered me and grossed me out.

"Yo man whore, I need to talk to you,"

He continued to kiss her and rub her butt.

I was about to walk away, but I had a plan.

Fin was still looking at me.

I rubbed my hand up and down his arm. I moved my hand up to his hair and played with it.

He closed his eyes and stopped rubbing her butt.

I smiled and moved my hand down to his back and down to his pants then back up again.

He broke the kiss smiled at her. "I'll see you later babe,"

"Okay," she said walking away.

"What do you want? Your already in my pants,"

"Ew, I want to get my close back,"

"It's got to have to cost you,"

I raised an eye brow at him.

"You admit that I'm the sexiest senior alive and you want me"

I laughed, I laughed so loud and so hard my I fell on the floor.

Fin walked away slowly.

"Wait...wait..." I said scrambling to my feet.


"There is no way in hell I'm saying that, how about you just give me my clothes back?"

"How about no?"

"Listen, I'm asking nicely,"

"So am I, say it"

"No, give me my damn clothes,"


"You suck!"

"No, you suck, wanna suck mine?"

"If you have one, but you don't sorry,"

He glared at me. "Then no clothes for you,"

I was about to knee him in the ball again but he caught my knee.

"What is it with you and my package?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"It causes you pain and I enjoy that"

"Okay, we'll go with that reason,"

I made face at him. "I'm going to go to the office,"

"Why?" he asked. "Wait, what are you doing?"

He followed behind me and called after me.

I ran to the office as fast as I could with Fin right behind me.

I locked the door on him and walked but to the lady at the front desk.

"I my locker combination,"

"What's your locker number?" she asked.


"Okay," she said typing it into her computer. "It's 21 36 7"

"Okay thank you" I said running to the other door.

I ran to Fin's locker and he was there waiting for me.

He smirked, "you can out smart me, kid"

"Just give me my damn clothes, I'm going to be late for class,"

"You are late for class, smartass"

"Damn," he was right no one was in the hall way.

He smirked and backed me up into the wall.

Hope you liked it!



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