“I thought that the other pack would cause a war, protest that I was lying. I thought that they would stop before they went too far, before they really hurt me. Everyday they would leave bruises, I started not wanting to go to school, scared of their stares-the malice in them. Blake tried to get me to tell him what was wrong, but I wouldn’t say anything.” She whispered shaking her head.

“You know, their words did get to me. Weak, pathetic, useless.” She lifted up the long sleeve of her shirt to show her wrist. “See these scars.” She said tracing the faint jagged white lines.

I stared at her in horror at what they had done, tears leaked out as I watched the memories obviously flashing through her, the pain so deep it cut me. She tried keeping her tears at bay, but they fell anyway.

“I used to cut, I guess to get away from it. To feel anything, anything at all. I sure am a piece of crap.” I grabbed her hand, “Don’t you dare say that! You are nice, honest and the best friend a person could have!” She looked away, obviously choosing to ignore yet I could see a faint hint of happiness.

“They took it too far one day.” She said bitterly. “I had gone against them, I guess they didn’t like that. I still remember the look in their eyes. Disgust, anger, hatred, malice. They hit me, kicked me over and over again.”

“I was crying, screaming for people to help. But no one heard. I coughed up so much blood, but all they did was laugh. Smile at my pain. I could suddenly hear banging, shouting and punches flying barely in the distance, but I was already fading into unconsciousness. I felt someone shaking me, telling me to stay awake. I didn’t listen though, I was too tired.” She whispered.

“Next thing I remember I was in a hospital. Blake looked exhausted sitting in the chair beside me. I didn’t remember much until Blake gave me the nagging of my life for not telling anyone. I guess me trying to not let them find out failed eh?” She said, I could see the affection for Blake in her voice.

“We moved after they found out, well not after I practically begged them not to go on all full out war with next door pack, which is the whole reason I kept it from them! God idiots!” She was smiling now, though the remaining tears still making their way down her face.

“So you see I’m scared.” She admitted, throwing her hands up. “Yes, I admit it, the bubbly, happy Alexis is scared!”

“You know he’ll think you’re perfect.” I murmured softly. Her eyes pierced into me at that moment. The stormy grey, so much like Blake.  It was like a could read her, every emotion, the disbelief.

“You’re his mate, you’re not broken. Even if you were, he’ll fix you write up! You’ll see!” I tried positively, I was broken and Blake fixed me so why wouldn’t her’s do the same? “It’s no that, i-it’s just, “she tried explaining helplessly.

“What if he see’s I’m not good enough! That I’m not as perfect as other girls out there! You saw them! The hord that was stalking him!” I grasped her shoulders gently yet firmly. “Now listen to me. He’s your mate, he will love you for you.”

That seemed to get through her and she nodded dumbly. I was about to say something when the door burst open and the janitor seemed to fly right at us causing us to tumble into a heap, my face squished on to the floor.

The Alpha Saved Me (Editing And Revising!)Where stories live. Discover now