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"So you mean to tell me, you and August are official?" Tony asked me.

"Yea," I nodded.

Even though me and August are so call dating, it's been on the low for some time now, even though it's been two days.

Me and Tony, Summer, Kevin and Ruby were having our usual meet ups we have every now and then to catch up on one another.

"I don't believe it," Kevin sighed, "I thought you weren't ready for a relationship?" He stated.

"At the time, I wasn't​. But now as  I thought about it, I told him that we should date," I said.

They all looked at me like I had three heads, even though I really didn't do anything.


"We all can't believe you gave all your time for this man, and we all know you mainly love yourself than anything," Ruby stated.

"Right like how in the hell you go from being a concited ass girl, to a I share all my love around woman?" Kevin stated.

I looked at summer who hadn't said anything since she's been here.

"What? Don't look at me, I'm not in it," she got up from the couch, making her way towards the kitchen.

"I think Ruby should've never took yo ass to that concert, now you all lovey dovey for this nigga," Tony sipped her drink.

Ruby looked at me then Tony, "Yea she's stating facts, I should've never​ took you to this concert. You rarely have any time for us. All you do is stay under him like some kind of child, and it's not fair," Ruby declared.

"Right," Kevin high-fived Ruby.

I sat there dumbfounded, as they made me upset for something​ that did not concern them, "You know what, I should've never told you guys how I feel about him, you don't know how I feel about him, all you guys care about your money and stuff. Ruby, you have some nerve to come at me but your the one who pussy is looser than the air. Kevin you can gladly shut the hell up, you would say something to me, but all you care about is having a dick up your ass every five seconds. And Tony your just a jealousy wreck, you whore," I cried, making my way out of the door, slamming it.

How could my own friends turn on me like that?


Making my way home I couldn't believe they thought I gave all my time just to improve 'some man' that has no time for me.

I don't understand how could my friends be so selfish after all I do for them. I even invited them to come on a trip for four days, an they still act like this? Wow.

Getting out of the shower, I slowly slid in my bed, not putting any clothes on sleeping naked for the night.

I couldn't help but think about the incident that happened earlier. 

There was some words that was not suppose to slip out of my mouth, but everyone has that breaking point that they can reach.

"Imani, you okay baby? You haven't said anything since you've gotten home," my mom stated.

"Yea I'm fine," I replied.

"Ok just talk to me when you need anything. Okay?"


I heard her footsteps vanish but heard them coming back towards my room a few moments later, opening my door.

"Mom, I told you I was fine,"

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