Chapter 2: Moon Academy

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Hey, me again, chapter 2, YN's gonna be going to the boarding school and maybe we'll meet our favourite people...
I hope you enjoy this chappie!
HI, I'm YN, you've already met me but you don't exactly know me, so, let me describe moi.
I'm 17, I have YHC hair
I have E/C. I'm YH and I'm kind of a nerd at my school, well, was. I'm leaving tomorrow to a boarding school, in ENGLAND! Leaving my friends, freedom of clothing (yes, there's a uniform) and my mum and dad. But I'm hoping it won't be too bad, or my parents have another thing coming! Anyway back to the present...
~~~~Time skip brought to you by Toothless~~~~
3rd Person P.O.V
"YN! The taxi's here for you!" YN's mum called, her voice breaking slightly.
"Coming, mum!" YN shouted, hauling 2 suitcases down the stairs.
"I'll miss you both, text me!" She called after kissing her parents on the cheeks. She got in the taxi and it sped away with her in it.
"I'll miss her, even if she is, well, not our own," DN sighed, a tear rolling down his cheek. MN wiped it off of his cheek.
"So will I, but she'll get to meet her father, it was to dangerous for her to live with him, she wouldn't be able to control- never mind. She'll keep in touch and hopefully she'll understand." MN reassured.
"I guess so, come on, lets go" DN smiled sadly as they both walked into the kitchen of their now quiet house.

~Another time skip because if I don't I'll have to describe the journey to the airport, the plane ride and the journey to the school, so lets go!~

As the taxi pulled up to the school, I just stared in awe, the school was so big and grand, I knew I was going to get lost.
"Here we go sweetheart, new school, pretty big eh, apparently only gifted students get in, you're real lucky!" The taxi driver smiled, I learned that his name was Oaken and that he likes saunas since we had shared a car for over 4 hours.
"Thank you so much, Oaken. It's been a pleasure meeting you." I smiled. He smiled and drove off after paying him.
I walked across the field and saw a bunch of students, but something was off, a couple of them were FLYING! And a few were changing their appearances! Ok, so THIS is what my parents when they said GIFTED... meaning their gifted and-and-CALM YOURSELF YN!
Still in shock i walked up to the crowd. As I got closer, people started to stare and whisper.
"Is that her... is she... she's really..." I could only hear fragments of conversations, I blushed at the attention, I was used to being invisible to others, I was a piece of cellophane to most, people looked straight through me, hardly ever noticing that I was ever there. This wasn't something I was ever used to.
"YN?!" A voice shouted. I looked up, and saw a girl with ginger hair and blue eyes.
"Clara?" I muttered under my breath, recognising the ginger.
"OH MY GOD IT IS YOU!" The girl said.
"Wait!? Clara! I haven't seen you in forever!" I shouted as she attacked me with a hug.
"I have missed you soooo much!" She cried.
"Me too!" I smiled. I was so confused. I used to live in H/C//H/S (home country/home state) but I moved away to LA, leaving Clara behind. I lost touch with her, but now she's here? In a school with a load of super heroes!? Wait! I'm in a school with a load of super heroes?
"How have you been?" The Ginger girl asked.
"Good thanks, what about you?" I nodded, I noticed there were still people looking at us, well, me come to think of it.
"I've been good, as you've noticed you go to school with 'gifted' people..." she smiled, I nodded.
"...I'm kinda gifted too! So are you! You just don't know it yet!" She beamed, her blue eyes getting brighter.
"Yeah, right... so what's your power then, bestie?" I smiled, trying to hide my confusion, while linking my arms with hers as we walked.
"I have the power of electricity, I kinda can hack into lots of shit, and I blow stuff up with lightening.," she giggled. Adds up I guess, she was a really good with computers. We walked to the office, a cute boy with white hair and blue eyes gaping at me. I blushed, looking away. I got my timetable and key.
"Anyway, I'll take you to your dorm, your opposite from me, I'm bunking with two other girls, Anna and Elsa, they're sisters and lovely. Elsa's a bit reserved, Anna's a really bubbly, but they're nice. You, I think, are sharing a room with Rapunzel and Merida. Rapunzel is cousins with Elsa and Anna, and the most popular girl in the school. Merida is her best friend and is a complete tom boy, and an impossible aim at archery. Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel and Merida make up the big 4 girls. We're so lucky to be sharing with them! Then there's the big 4 boys, the hottest boys in history! There's Flynn Rider, known to be a player. Your gorgeous so he'll try to-"
"'Try' being the key word here," I interrupted. Clara giggled.
"Anyway, there's Kristoff, a Jock and is sooo fit, but a nice soul. There's Hiccup, the nerd, lovely and is handsome as well and then there's Jack. Jack. Freakin. Gorgeous as hell. Frost. Heart throb and the most popular boy at school. He has a girlfriend though, Rapunzel. Everyone is In love with him. Even you! You'll fall head over heels, Ms. Heart-as-cold-as-ice," she laughed, fangirling.
I giggled.
"Hey! Thanks for the scoop though, I'm guessing this is my room?" I scowled, pointing at the large oak door.
"Yes it is, I'll see you around YN!" She giggled, her melodious voice bouncing off the walls.
"Oh, and stay away from Pitch Black!" She called, skipping off.
"Pitch Black? Meh, never mind. Let's have a see what Rapunzel and Merida are like," I said, getting my key out of my pocket and opening the door...
Hey, haven't posted in awhile. Been really busy. I hope you like this chapter. I enjoyed writing it. Clara is going to be YN's best friend so, yah. What type of powers is YN gonna have...ooooh

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